FIFA 16 system requirements unveiled


Average Penis Too
Footie-fans, unite! EA has published the official system requirements of their upcoming football game, FIFA 16.


Read more on FIFA 16's system requirements.
someone needs to make a FIFA or PES game that is PC oriented. Heavy on requirements but optimised. Proper humane figures, face characteristics. Ambient occlusion and generally speaking lighting. PhysX implementation etc To make the game lifelike
I have yet to play a FIFA game on the PC - only had them on PS3 before as I only played with a mate - no on line play.

Now I wonder if I should pick this up or how does the PC version play like as I would yet again only play it with a friend when he comes over - each with a 360 controler.
I can vouch for Fifa on PC. A couple of years ago my 15 year old step daughter played it for a week straight. All day, every day. The management part is fun too :)
I'd have a heart attack if Madden was released on PC. Haven't cared about FIFA since I played 09 on X360