Hello. Yesterday when playing Far Cry 4 my computer suddenly freezes with "BZZZZZ" sound.
Only hard reset helps. So after reset i again run Far Cry 4 and left for 12 hours in background. And after 12 hours without freez, all fine. But why i was had one single freez yesterday ( only hard reset helps ) ?
There is no any minidumps file to analyze. Minidump folder is empty.
System event logs are empty. No minidump file.
Nothing appears in the Event Viewer other than the typical error messages stating that the previous shutdown was unexpected.
I run even Prime95 for 10 hours, without errors.
My pc is:
4790 stock
8gb ram
Sabertooth Z79 Mark2
Asus Strix 980 ( Oc factory )
Corsair 750 RM
I dont OC my pc, all is stock.
I am using 334.75 WHQL.
IS this game\software problem or hardware?
Like i say all is fine now, but i am worried about that one single freez ( only hard reset helps ) from yesterday.
Thank you for any suggestion.
Should i be worried?
It happens once, so thats why i create a topic problem. Because i want to know , what caused that one single freez. I never had freez like this even before.
It can be software or hardware problem? Like i say it happened once 2 days ago. After that now i am 58 hours in game without single freez\crash.
I tested Unigine, PRime95, 3dmark 11 and after few hours without errors\crashes.
Only hard reset helps. So after reset i again run Far Cry 4 and left for 12 hours in background. And after 12 hours without freez, all fine. But why i was had one single freez yesterday ( only hard reset helps ) ?
There is no any minidumps file to analyze. Minidump folder is empty.
System event logs are empty. No minidump file.
Nothing appears in the Event Viewer other than the typical error messages stating that the previous shutdown was unexpected.
I run even Prime95 for 10 hours, without errors.
My pc is:
4790 stock
8gb ram
Sabertooth Z79 Mark2
Asus Strix 980 ( Oc factory )
Corsair 750 RM
I dont OC my pc, all is stock.
I am using 334.75 WHQL.
IS this game\software problem or hardware?
Like i say all is fine now, but i am worried about that one single freez ( only hard reset helps ) from yesterday.
Thank you for any suggestion.
Should i be worried?
It happens once, so thats why i create a topic problem. Because i want to know , what caused that one single freez. I never had freez like this even before.
It can be software or hardware problem? Like i say it happened once 2 days ago. After that now i am 58 hours in game without single freez\crash.
I tested Unigine, PRime95, 3dmark 11 and after few hours without errors\crashes.