If the DLC is already done then they are ripping people off by not including it in the game, Little scandalous.
We've had all of this before with Fallout 3 dude. It was even worse with FO3 because when the game originally launched it was quite badly broken without a DLC that you had to pay for (Broken Steel).
I don't think it's scandalous in the slightest tbh. With all of the DLC from the first two games (FO3 and FONV) I originally downloaded it free, then later bought the GOTY editions for Steam.
None of it really had any bearing on the main game. Mothership Zeta for example had absolutely nothing to do with the main game.
The bottom line for FO4 is that it needs to tell its story without having lumps missing like FO3 initially did. If it does? then the DLC is literally add ons you either buy or your don't.
Some of them were simply spectacular. Others? absolute poo. In New Vegas for example Dead Money was incredible. A tiny bit restrictive due to the collar (so a tiny bit linear) but wandering around a casino that had never opened had the most epic sense of desolation.
Honest Hearts on the other hand? was an atrocity. A gaming atrocity.
Personally I feel the DLC can be worth it (in the case of Point Lookout and Dead Money) but some are crap. None, however, should have any bearing on the main game and should be extras you can buy if you want to.
A little while ago I used to have a blog site where I wrote game reviews and my thoughts on games. Sadly I forgot the password (my meds were changed) and could never get back in. However, my DLC reviews are all still there if you fancy a look.
Please note I do tend to use expletives as I'm a very open sort of a person, so look away if you don't like naughty language..
Enjoy !