Facebook's new Terms of Use


Active member
Hey guys,

So I recently got a link linked to me on Facebook, regarding their new Terms of Use that is coming 1s January 2015.
Now I'm not 100% sure if this will come and how well it extends... but from what I wrote on that article (which is in Swedish btw), it seems like if you simply log in, you pretty much approve the new Terms of Use and let them collect information from all your devices which you use their service Facebook on.

Basically gather information about your devices, systems, logs etc... if you do bank stuff on your PC, what sites you visit, movies etc etc. All of this is from that article and not anything that I personally know off or can confirm.

I just wanted to make this thread to see if anyone of you guys, know anything regarding this, have any other info or knows what is really going on?... will they really do this and how severe is it?...

I know the terms/conditions are usually pretty bad, but at the end of the day I'm not going to stop using Facebook, since thats how I communincate with friends and family.
pretty sure they can't get your bank stuff. They would be breaking many laws if that was the case. I just read through the terms, and no where in there did it make mention of your system, logs, banking etc. Most of what they gather is to send you ads, monitor how the apps work, etc. People hit the panic button without really understanding what they are reading. You also yourself have to use due diligence and set your privacy and security settings accordingly.
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Google have been doing that for ages, nothing to worry about :P

Its no worse then any other big site, its still crap but as with most things you can circumvent it, probably use a noscript plugin.
Its no worse then any other big site, its still crap but as with most things you can circumvent it, probably use a noscript plugin.

A noscript plugin?, what does that do exactly?... and I'm not sure it's against the rules on here to talk about this kind of stuff? :huh:...
Well i don't really have a choice when it comes to OS i don't use MS Office, i don't use iTunes cause its a pig on windows. i don't use gmail much.

What we are getting at is no matter you use. The data is being stored. IDC what you are using. It is being stored. Company's make money off of you're data. Hell my old professor's friend worked for company's just by selling the user's data to pretty much anyone.
What we are getting at is no matter you use. The data is being stored. IDC what you are using. It is being stored. Company's make money off of you're data. Hell my old professor's friend worked for company's just by selling the user's data to pretty much anyone.

Probably the most dumb question ever... but what do they really do with this data?, do they sell them for some specific usage?...

I mean, I can understand if they would get hold off bank related stuff... but collecting data off sites someone visits, sites like this, youtube, news papers, even pornographical sites, I mean... what's in it for them really?... or am I way off the case here? :huh:...
If you get where I'm going with this?...
Probably the most dumb question ever... but what do they really do with this data?, do they sell them for some specific usage?...

I mean, I can understand if they would get hold off bank related stuff... but collecting data off sites someone visits, sites like this, youtube, news papers, even pornographical sites, I mean... what's in it for them really?... or am I way off the case here? :huh:...
If you get where I'm going with this?...

what's with all the ... ? lol

They use the data for research purposes mainly. What they can do is track what buttons you click for example, this in turn can provide data to a Web Designer and they can see what's being clicked and what's not. Making improvements to the UI of site. Alternatively they can take that info and sell it to a company who can then take that data and see if they can apply the same towards there stuff etc etc. Or in the case of Amazon, they track what you search for on the site then as you go about on the web you get all those ads related to your searches. When you click on it they potentially make money when you buy it.
Probably the most dumb question ever... but what do they really do with this data?, do they sell them for some specific usage?...

I mean, I can understand if they would get hold off bank related stuff... but collecting data off sites someone visits, sites like this, youtube, news papers, even pornographical sites, I mean... what's in it for them really?... or am I way off the case here? :huh:...
If you get where I'm going with this?...

One word: Advertising.