Facebook is 'stealing billions of views' is going viral

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New member
Very interesting article...This is capitalist world of sophisticated fraud and dirty business...Nobody cannot make billions on fair way thats for sure...do not ask me about my first milion ahahahhaa :D:)Facebook theft revealed
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Ive approved this only to call you an idiot.

Facebook didnt do this: end users did.

The only thing Facebook are really at fault for is doing nothing about it but to do they they would need a system where the original creator can inform them of the copyright infringement.
Ive approved this only to call you an idiot.

Facebook didnt do this: end users did.

The only thing Facebook are really at fault for is doing nothing about it but to do they they would need a system where the original creator can inform them of the copyright infringement.

Why need to be rude Tom,that guy is acusing them for steal not me :D;)

But i personally agree with that guy, its corporation and nobody cannot make billions on fair way. I also noticed when i make new fb account autoplay on all videos is enabled,and that trick also make them profit,people need to have click to play.

Discuss people i believe that one more fraud has been revaled :):eek:
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It is an interesting article,i would not be surprised if they are commiting sophisticated steal,they have experts for advertising etc ;):)

So are business insider not actually just stealing views from Kurzgesagt in exactly the same way as facebook and youtube?

Like Tom says the problem is how the users behave. Just like you right here right now, you didn't share the true source, instead someone who has re-uploaded the story to please their own advertisers.

Its BS - youd have to be dumb to believe it.... Oh wait!

Maybe i am dumb but many believe in this..and why autoplay enabled and many videos are playing by itself it is annoying,wasting internet bandwith and probably business trick,,,and they do not have copyright system,after 5-6 days they already had take all money that guy is right he has detected their fraud, Facebook will never recover from this...and we all know that Suckerberg is also selling data to NSA, FBI and other, thats why they collect personal id, passports and other data :)

I am not surprised after Edvard Snowden revealed what is happening on this world hero in Russia safe from usa ahahaha :D;)

tin foil hat man here :crazy:
Ok Im just going to close this to stop myself and the others truth bashing you.

Stick to watching the outer limits and The X files fella.
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