I suggest you respond to my comments and other peoples as a human and not a troll. Take criticism and engage with your audience, most people like what you have done, there is no need to be defensive. I've noticed you have shared this on quite a number of forums and understandably it has been deleted on some and if you don't learn to adjust your attitude to be a little more passive then it will get deleted everywhere.
I'm guessing your probably trying to get noticed by manufacturers rather than get other peoples input which I don't think is a fantastic idea given your current position. You don't really have anything to protect your IP and pushing your design around the entire internet isn't going to help. Your clearly talented in some areas but your not the first person to have a good idea. Given that less than 1 in 25 ideas that go through a full and comprehensive product development process are a commercial success just smashing into it is a terrible approach.
You want my advice with the project as a whole at least put your own arse on the line and prototype one for yourself and start to move it on physically. If your earn the respect of modders the higher powers will fall into place.
I am afraid you got my intent wrong completely.
First, I am engaging anyone with answer why I did it this or that way. I posted my design 3 places before, and got deleted 3 times because I have my website address in the last side of my presentation. I removed the last slide and reposted it the same 3 places and they are still there. Most people liked it, some people hated it and some people just don't really care so they didn't bother replying.
Second, I already contact all the manufacturers that I feel they might like this. As I mentioned before, my design was finalized in June, and I started asking around. I am not protecting my design in any way. I do not have the money or the need to get a patent on this. This is just one of the things I designed, but it happened to the the one I solely own and I can do anything with. That is why I am sharing it EVERYWHERE on the entire Internet. I do not make a penny out of this, on the contrary, I am investing my own time and effort into something I love to do.
I want your advice as much as I want anyone's feedback. You have a question regarding the Raven-look, I provided a different look. If it does not please you, I failed at pleasing you. But the other people like the second look better than the first and I still appreciate their support or just simply feedback.
I do not see why you consider me as TROLL other than a HUMAN, but I do feel that a little insulting.
Very nice design, the chrome pipes caught me eye

, even if they are perhaps rendered. Not having cables present is a bit of a marketing trick as things will do get cluttered and present a challenge like WillSK says. Don't let that deter you though.
I do like the ability to have the window on the left or right - to me it would be on the left. I'm itching to do another case mod/scratch build myself, especially using PCI-E extensions, just waiting for that inspirational spark or inception.
The fact that your case is mITX will limit your potential customers, but the are popular so the market is there, but not for me at the moment anyway.
Edited to say - what JR23 says is bang on the money, take heed.
I am just stating the truth. Lian-Li showcased their wall mounted case with components installed and active lighting. There is still no cables, not even memory sticks. Having wires cables is more real world scenario but it may also cover some things you want to show.
I personally do not like ITX build in general. I am sure this design cannot fit everyone's taste, and I am working on a mATX version with, I am hoping, slightly bigger overall dimension.
I do not know what triggered JR23, maybe I said CAD modeling is what I do when I get bored. But this is 100%, completely, absolutely the truth. I taught a CAD class voluntarily earlier this year. My students asked me what I do over the weekend, I said modeling, because I was modeling all the components, fans, radiators, fittings, motherboards, CPU coolers. If allowed, I will post my GrabCAD link and everyone can go see the models I have uploaded during the past several months.