Eurocom Launches Sky X9 High Performance Laptop with Desktop Components

Just hope the temps will be in check. Always liked Clevo, only quarrels were the temps and corresponding noise.
I'm not a fan of these systems, they require mains power to run at peak performance and why would you not run it at peak, which brings me to the elephant in the room.. the battery which with this level of hardware is going to last about as long as a packet of hobnobs at a weight watchers meeting. When ever I see these types of laptops I think the manufacturer just thought "We could do it so why not". For the price you could easy build yourself a complete tidy mobile Lan rig.
I'm not a fan of these systems, they require mains power to run at peak performance and why would you not run it at peak, which brings me to the elephant in the room.. the battery which with this level of hardware is going to last about as long as a packet of hobnobs at a weight watchers meeting. When ever I see these types of laptops I think the manufacturer just thought "We could do it so why not". For the price you could easy build yourself a complete tidy mobile Lan rig.

I'd hate to lug around a montior, mouse &kb, cables, screen etc if I need a powerful machine for working in different areas. Thats the appeal. Its more ease of transport as opposed to battery powered gaming rig. Thats why the desktop xeon based laptops are becoming more of a thing now too.
If I'm being brutally honest the Asus I have is pretty much the same story as this. Massive great thing with a tiny little battery on, so it's pretty much mains or nothing.

It really is a heavy old sod, but once you get it on your lap (on a huge Belkin laptop desk thing) it's not so bad. My wife used it for well over a year with no complaints until recently.
Just hope the temps will be in check. Always liked Clevo, only quarrels were the temps and corresponding noise.

I had never heard of Clevo before until a few months ago, I managed to get one for £150 second hand with a i7 Haswell CPU, 16GB RAM and a GTX765M GPU and 2x 1TB drives! Been a neat bit of kit so far but I have to agree with you the fans are noisy under load.
