Elite: Dangerous will no longer support an offline mode


News Guru
Elite: Dangerous will no longer support an offline mode, a function promised in their crowdfunding campaign.


Read more on Elite: Dangerous' offline mode here.
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To be honest i am fine with that. Kind of a bad PR decision, but i wouldn't have played offline anyways.
Considering the servers can be a bit flakey around update time I was expecting to use it offline atleast once. Ah well, its not a kickstarter without a broken promise or two.
Last I heard on ship count was 30 total, not 30 more which is 5 more than initial promise.

This was bound to happen as it's a player effected persistent universe, this won't turn off 'solo' mode, just that you need to login to play.. Be interesting to see how the backers take it though.
Last I heard on ship count was 30 total, not 30 more which is 5 more than initial promise.

This was bound to happen as it's a player effected persistent universe, this won't turn off 'solo' mode, just that you need to login to play.. Be interesting to see how the backers take it though.

Sorry, small mistake on my part, was supposed to say total. :p
I really could care less about an offline mode. The same happened with Diablo 3 when they announced there would be no solo offline mode. Everyone seemed to care back then, now nobody remembers (and the game sold over 10 mill copies heh).
I really could care less about an offline mode. The same happened with Diablo 3 when they announced there would be no solo offline mode. Everyone seemed to care back then, now nobody remembers (and the game sold over 10 mill copies heh).

That's not really a fair comparison.. The promise was made to people who parted with kickstarter money to get the game going... and some people pledged on the basis that it would be there.
I think most of the backlash from the initial backers is the lack of quality internet access. Especially in remote areas or backwater cities that have prehistoric internet. Australia to be precise. I can understand the frustration of not being able to log in, dodgy, unreliable and slow connections or if large amounts of data are required to be downloaded every time you want to play.

I think the actual idea of online only for this title is necessary if we want the universe to expand as other players discover it. Not sure if we all want to dogfight against real players as opposed to AI but would be nice to have the choice to opt in or out.
Still I have it pre-ordered and can't wait to play. Brings back memories of 1984(?) and many hours playing on the BBC.
Yeah It's spawned a 467 page (probably more by the time you read this) threadnaught over there in 3 days.. People are pissed off, it's split the community as a lot are trying to defend it while others are just tearing it up, saying they want refunds etc.. not good
Yeah It's spawned a 467 page (probably more by the time you read this) threadnaught over there in 3 days.. People are pissed off, it's split the community as a lot are trying to defend it while others are just tearing it up, saying they want refunds etc.. not good

There's absolutely no reason to complain about online only mode anymore. When was the last time anyone on here didn't have a connection for more than a few hours and it's not like the connection speed is bad in rural areas either. Every village has 16mbit these days.
Those are the same tinfoil hat people who don't use steam because of its DRM and because 'you don't really own the games'. Ridiculous, it's not 2005 anymore.
There's absolutely no reason to complain about online only mode anymore. When was the last time anyone on here didn't have a connection for more than a few hours and it's not like the connection speed is bad in rural areas either. Every village has 16mbit these days.
Those are the same tinfoil hat people who don't use steam because of its DRM and because 'you don't really own the games'. Ridiculous, it's not 2005 anymore.

The argument at the moment seems to be 'it was sold/advertised as specifically having an offline mode in the kickstarter' which is the 'primary reason' *some* people bought it, but there is a whole hell of a lot of band-waggoning going on, it's really kicked up a shitstorm. I personally could't care less, and I imagine that most of the community aren't that bothered, but as always, those few who are bothered/getting on board are shouting the loudest. That thread may be massive but the contributionairy posters are actually few in number as usual with these kinds of things.

Launch party is end of this week (Yeah I'm going) so we'll know more then.
Launch party is end of this week (Yeah I'm going) so we'll know more then.

Be careful not to get distracted by Duxford! I could spend days in there...

I'm presuming people who're complaining about it are the old traditionalists (the type who're still running windows XP out of spite).
The argument at the moment seems to be 'it was sold/advertised as specifically having an offline mode in the kickstarter' which is the 'primary reason' *some* people bought it, but there is a whole hell of a lot of band-waggoning going on, it's really kicked up a shitstorm. I personally could't care less, and I imagine that most of the community aren't that bothered, but as always, those few who are bothered/getting on board are shouting the loudest. That thread may be massive but the contributionairy posters are actually few in number as usual with these kinds of things.

Launch party is end of this week (Yeah I'm going) so we'll know more then.

Who the hell buys a game primarily because it has an offline mode.

Be careful not to get distracted by Duxford! I could spend days in there...

I'm presuming people who're complaining about it are the old traditionalists (the type who're still running windows XP out of spite).

Install gentoo muh privacy.
Been before to flying legends a couple times, so I know it well :) Looking forward to it.

Should be some celebs there apparently as well

actual celebs or internet ones?

My house is in the flight path from Duxford to Marshal's/cambridge airport so I don't often need to go to see the planes fly, they come to me. I've had the Vulcan do a turn above my house and set all the car alarms off in my street ^_^
actual celebs or internet ones?

Jonathan Ross has been mentioned to me, but don't quote me on that. There have been others mentioned but I can't remember them.

My house is in the flight path from Duxford to Marshal's/cambridge airport so I don't often need to go to see the planes fly, they come to me. I've had the Vulcan do a turn above my house and set all the car alarms off in my street ^_^

Aye she's beautiful, being in bomber country the Vulcan is a common sight, will miss her when she stops flying next year :( No Waddington either due to the runway so will have to hit Fairford and Farnborough I think. Although Fairford will need a stella line-up to draw me back after this years piss-ant performance and F35 cancellation
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Jonathan Ross has been mentioned to me, but don't quote me on that. There have been others mentioned but I can't remember them.
Probably will be there. I've seen him around Cambridge. Heck I was behind him in the co-op once.

not even joking.
AHAHA, omg this is gold


I an vary sad angery about you stop to make single player mode because I am only play single player mode same like my father was play only single player mode in original elite game AND EVRY SEQUAL WAT WAS FOLLOW

did you forget where is you coming from david braben? do you forgot pure joy experiance of original genius game you was maked???

I want moneys back plese I am not interest in this multiplayer game because my internet is not good one I ned single player to enjoy the game

I felt you make a lie and I am vary disappoint and my father say me 'wen person make a lie stop to listen and stop to give respect they are like insect no value for you' yes father I am agree you maked a lie and now you must give the moneys back for all player wat is lost respect for you and don't no more want to play this game

That thread I posted before is now up to 507 pages!!