EK Announces Fans Specially Designed for Radiators


News Guru
EK Announces Fans Specially Designed for Radiators. Meet the EK Vardar Series of fans.


Read more on EK's Varder Fx-120 series fans here.
Any idea what is the OEM of the fans? They do look a lot like server grade fans with PWM control for the consumer market.
Look like GT copy:) But GT got 9 blades and the EK one got 7.
Well as long as they would perform very well while maintaining the good noise level I would by one.
if they are ripping off ap_15's lets hope they perform aswell :) I need replacements mine are dying
How come your fans dying?:) Have you had them that long?
hmmmm I hope they are good as that would spin the market a bit. A review is needed!

Yeah review would be nice, but there was never EK product review on Tom's channel, for some reason. Well hopefully he will be able to get them tested.