Easter NAS Build/Software Advice


New member
Hey all,

Haven't been on here in a while, been cracking on with uni.

Just a question about building a NAS from an old Q8300 Quad Core. I might need to grab some more RAM for it - i'm sure I can find some DDR2 pretty cheap. -- Not as fancy as TTL's Monster :P

We've got an old Acer PC sitting around at home essentially doing nothing, and we're about to move house, so i'd figured i'd try and actually do something constructive for the new house by attempting to put all the media crap my family seems to gather over the years into one place that can be accessed at any time.

I've been looking into something like FreeNAS with Plex as a way of doing this but I thought i'd get a second opinion.

I essentially need it to be able to:

- Stream Movies and Shows to TVs (I've got a few raspberry pi's so can set up a client on there...this being if the 'smart' tv can't find the server)
With this I figured plex would be a good idea?

- Stream Music to the SONOS system my mum got over christmas.

- Possibly hold some more bits and pieces: some sort of time machine thing - i have no idea how locked down this is - as its only a matter of time before my brother or sister actually manage to break theirs.

I'm very new to the whole NAS setup and would love any information to point me in the right direction.
I realise there are loads of guides out there, but i wanted to make sure i was going in the right direction with this stuff.

Yea, it can be a bit complicated configuring it if it's your first time but it's a very powerful and flexible bit of kit once you get the hang of it.

Several of us use it here so just ask away when you start it.
Just as a follow-up to this, i ended up giving freeness a go. Liked it, but realised i had the problem of wanted to get my dvd's on there. (Going to use one of my Raspberry Pis as the front end for plex most likely as i love the way it just works out all the info for me.)

So went with Vortexbox. But the problem i found with that is the dvd rips were coming out at about 4/5 sometimes 6gb. And i don't have loads of HDD space.

So now am back with the same sort of issue of not knowing what software to go with.

Is there an easy way to get dvds ripped on FreeNAS?

Specs are as follows:
Pentium g3258
8GB Ram
1TB WD Green.