I know its too early, but any thoughts on the suggested PCIe upgrade NVIDIA is suggesting ? Any thoughts on what performance improvements this can lead too ?
I know its too early, but any thoughts on the suggested PCIe upgrade NVIDIA is suggesting ? Any thoughts on what performance improvements this can lead too ?
Won't come to consumers. It is aimed at SuperComputers with hundreds of GPUs and the power crunching numbers in the 10's of Petaflops and far higher. Nvidia have claimed it's 5x-12x faster than PCI.. yet they do not specify which Gen PCIe on their blog nor do they mention anything about 16x lanes.. the only thing they mentioned was x4.. So presumbly they are referring to PCI 2.0 x4? Well gee that skews the results does it not? They also claim it is more power efficient than PCI. Can't argue that there except trust them(which of late they make it difficult to do).
In the end for the consumer it really won't do much as of now. PCIe 4.0 is most likely closer to us than NVlink is.