EA makes more money from Extra content than Full game downloads


News Guru
EA makes more money from Extra content than from Full game downloads, meaning that DLC is definitely not going anywhere.


Read more on EA's earnings on DLC and other digital content.
If you know anything about corporations then you that they constantly seek to increase their profits. And EA is run by shortsighted idiots. They already spend more on marketing than they do on development. Now they're gonna spend more on DLC and marketing than they do on core game. Here's what's gonna happen in the next few years.

EA sees these numbers, and they immediately get the idea to sell more DLC. But to do that they need to create the game with all that DLC in mind. That's how it's done these days. But that doesn't mean that they will devote more resources to the game than they've initially planned. It means that they will reduce the budget for the core game and put the rest towards DLC development. It also means that they will increase their focus on microtransactions.

All this means that the core games will contain less and less stuff in order to sell more and more DLC (Battlefront is the first extreme example of this). Gameplay will be tailored to incentivise the use of microtransactions. Eventually people will get sick of it, because EA won't be the only one doing that. And one day soon EA will be forced to shut down another studio that made the game that broke the camel's back. Then EA will continue the cycle again, promising to be better for a few years only to go back to the same old ty anti-consumer practices. Don't believe them.

Save yourself the trouble and just ignore them
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If you know anything about corporations then you that they constantly seek to increase their profits. And EA is run by shortsighted idiots. They already spend more on marketing than they do on development. Now they're gonna spend more on DLC and marketing than they do on core game. Here's what's gonna happen in the next few years.

EA sees these numbers, and they immediately get the idea to sell more DLC. But to do that they need to create the game with all that DLC in mind. That's how it's done these days. But that doesn't mean that they will devote more resources to the game than they've initially planned. It means that they will reduce the budget for the core game and put the rest towards DLC development. It also means that they will increase their focus on microtransactions.

All this means that the core games will contain less and less stuff in order to sell more and more DLC (Battlefront is the first extreme example of this). Gameplay will be tailored to incentivise the use of microtransactions. Eventually people will get sick of it, because EA won't be the only one doing that. And one day soon EA will be forced to shut down another studio that made the game that broke the camel's back. Then EA will continue the cycle again, promising to be better for a few years only to go back to the same old ty anti-consumer practices. Don't believe them.

Save yourself the trouble and just ignore them

And that's why there won't be DLC's in the new NFS. Because they don't listen apperantly.
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EA sees these numbers, and they immediately get the idea to sell more DLC. But to do that they need to create the game with all that DLC in mind.

More like; they should just stop cutting content from full games and selling them as DLC as they have been doing for years now.

If people would only start taking off their blinders, they would realize where the problem truly is.
And that's why there won't be DLC's in the new NFS. Because they don't listen apparently.
They can't risk it with NFS. It's not a big title that it used to be. Don't worry, if this NFS is a success the next one will have both DLC and microtransactions.
Save yourself the trouble and just ignore them

The same goes for every AAA publisher under the sun then. I don't get the EA hate bandwagon now that every other developer/publisher is going the same way. If anything, the whole traditional "EA sux XDXD" has given certain companies (hi Ubisoft) more freedom to push broken DLC fests. Rockstar is fast becoming a great example of a company who has a good reputation getting away with crap that EA would get slayed for.
The same goes for every AAA publisher under the sun then. I don't get the EA hate bandwagon now that every other developer/publisher is going the same way. If anything, the whole traditional "EA sux XDXD" has given certain companies (hi Ubisoft) more freedom to push broken DLC fests. Rockstar is fast becoming a great example of a company who has a good reputation getting away with crap that EA would get slayed for.

Rockstar made my list of "never gonna buy their games again" after GTA 5 online, Ubisoft is almost on the list. and EA made it on the list years ago..

Now EA they publish some really good games. they really do and that is why they made my list so quickly.
They are heart breakers, They make a game i love. i really get in to it we have a community and competitions and tournaments. then ea says Ok thats it thank you And shut down the servers.
the community dissipates and then its gone.
They also absorb companys letting them make games then 1 bad release "because ea forced them to do a game model that the suits wanted to milk more money" and then they dissolve that company. famous devs like bull frog just dissapear in to the eather thanks to ea.
So that is why i hate ea. And why i dont buy or even torrent ea games.
I simply wont play ea games.. that way i wont get hurt lol..

now rockstar.. they made the huge mistake of thinking i like to play with hackers they seems to think i love spending all my time recording and encoding videos to send to them so they can suspend some one for a few days. They also seem to think that there is no need to fix the issue that killed GTA 4 so it couldnt kill GTA 5.
that to me is enough for them to make the list. (again i really liked gta v online, and because they wont do anything to stop it being ruined. then i wont buy their games again)

And ubisoft..
They have managed to get away with it because they dont make games i like, so it does not really offend me when they ruin them.
But they do so many little obnoxious things that drag down pc game standards that they very nearly have made the list..
however because they dont make anything i want to play any way they dont even need to go on the list.. but if they do make a game i like then they ruin it. they will make the list..

I wont even mention konami because really they are on crack or something. and cant be held responsible for their actions (that is the only explanation i have for konami)
The same goes for every AAA publisher under the sun then. I don't get the EA hate bandwagon now that every other developer/publisher is going the same way. If anything, the whole traditional "EA sux XDXD" has given certain companies (hi Ubisoft) more freedom to push broken DLC fests. Rockstar is fast becoming a great example of a company who has a good reputation getting away with crap that EA would get slayed for.

Basically this... Ain't gonna change anytime soon unfortunately. I only buy DLC when they are super super cheap or if I want to support the devs because I enjoy the base game. I feel most people do the same so it's here to stay.
I have no issue paying for DLC - if it's done with the original intent of expanding or enhancing a game that is already out and you've completed.
The old expansion packs were great for giving the old game some longevity.

The issue these days is that they seem to be releasing games that aren't complete. Sell half the stuff that should be included in the core title as DLC.

It's not just Games tho. It's everywhere in life. You want to buy a car? Awesome it's 27k oh. You want an actual steering wheel? That's part of our 'drive' package so that's an extra 3k. Oh and a spare wheel? Yes the recovery package is only $2000. ABS? Stability Control? ka ching.

Why basic safety equipment (Stability/Traction/reversing cameras) are still 'optional' on any car these days is crazy.
*edit don't let the facts get in the way of a good rant. Stability is now compulsory on new cars in Aus.

Anyhoo. back on point.

They all suck but we're stuck with it. They're here to make money by entertaining us and the average attention span of a 14 year old means that new games or DLC must be released every 6 weeks or the kids forget it exists. Plus they know the power of the kids pull on mums purse strings. Then every twelve months rinse, release, repeat. COD 27 out soon!
It's gamers fault

The Ea's and Ubisofts of the gaming industry only do these things because gamers have shown them they'll accept it, they'll bump and whine about it...then pay any price asked for a half finished bug ridden pile of crap that would never have been considered ready for release 10 years ago.
It's like buying a car, but when you pick it up it will have bicycle wheels on and somewhere down the line you will be able to get the normal wheels but it will cost you a third of the car's price. There is a name for it, DLW, downloadable wheels. Oh by the way, you can only download one new wheel at a time with about a 4 month waiting period for each new wheel.
If you think EA are bad then clearly you haven't even looked at Bungie who has charged a whopping £40 for their latest dlc/expansion of their Destiny game.

They have now added a vendor in the game selling cosmetic useless stuff which can only be purchased via a currency which has to be bought with real money.

its the way to go these days.
If you think EA are bad then clearly you haven't even looked at Bungie who has charged a whopping £40 for their latest dlc/expansion of their Destiny game.

They have now added a vendor in the game selling cosmetic useless stuff which can only be purchased via a currency which has to be bought with real money.

its the way to go these days.

Microtransactions in a non-F2P title? What are people thinking, buying into this? :eek: