I was going to keep updating my Rig gallery thread with the progress of my Home made (ghetto style) fan filters. But decided hell why not just create a dedicated dust project thread, I'll continue to report my findings here, but feel free to chip in and show your alternatives and how you combat the filthy detritus that insists on messing up our otherwise spotless labors of love.
For those that missed the beginning, I had the idea of using simple Voile net curtain as an addition to the front fan filter on my Corsair 450D and so far it is working a treat, now this fabric is cheap and available in many colours, materials & light levels (weave gaps) the options are huge. Without further ado here is my progress so far, please feel free to add your solutions and also if you have an idea, please share it with us.
The Mod
Very simple, a cut piece of netting and 2 strips of foam board which nestle in tightly holding the net in place. Obviously this won't work for everyone and alternatives could be made.. i.e thin magnetic strips, make a frame ect ect.
Week 1
It's the beginning of my trial with this filter and after a week it is still good, all the mucky stuff remains on the exterior of the filter and not inside.
Week 2
2 weeks in and tiny (I mean tiny) particles are starting to appear on the interior panels, but the great news is that the filter from the exterior is still gathering the majority of the dust much better than the original did.
Week 3
3 Weeks down and we're seeing more of the inevitable dust invasion
while it is still getting in, and it is bound to with the panel gaps and other nucks and crannies the filter is working a treat, the photo shows what can only be described as a mini snow storm which can be blamed on the flash but to the naked eye you can't really see it unless you really get up close and personal, next Sunday is D-Day (dust day) for the filter when I take it out and have a really really good look at it. The front panel got a slight wipe down earlier in the week so the fine pet hair and other large gubbins have gone.
Week 4
Well that is the end of this little trial using net curtain as a fan filter and I'm quite surprised at the results, while the interior remained pretty much the same as it was in week 3, the filter continued to perform excellently and as you'll see from the final image it collected the vast majority of dust, also it was so easy to clean and put back with a simple wipe down it was clean as a whistle, there was no marring or staining on the fabric either which is excellent in my view. So what's next?
Anyway I look forward to seeing what you guys think or can come up with.
For those that missed the beginning, I had the idea of using simple Voile net curtain as an addition to the front fan filter on my Corsair 450D and so far it is working a treat, now this fabric is cheap and available in many colours, materials & light levels (weave gaps) the options are huge. Without further ado here is my progress so far, please feel free to add your solutions and also if you have an idea, please share it with us.
The Mod
Very simple, a cut piece of netting and 2 strips of foam board which nestle in tightly holding the net in place. Obviously this won't work for everyone and alternatives could be made.. i.e thin magnetic strips, make a frame ect ect.

Week 1
It's the beginning of my trial with this filter and after a week it is still good, all the mucky stuff remains on the exterior of the filter and not inside.

Week 2
2 weeks in and tiny (I mean tiny) particles are starting to appear on the interior panels, but the great news is that the filter from the exterior is still gathering the majority of the dust much better than the original did.

Week 3
3 Weeks down and we're seeing more of the inevitable dust invasion

Week 4
Well that is the end of this little trial using net curtain as a fan filter and I'm quite surprised at the results, while the interior remained pretty much the same as it was in week 3, the filter continued to perform excellently and as you'll see from the final image it collected the vast majority of dust, also it was so easy to clean and put back with a simple wipe down it was clean as a whistle, there was no marring or staining on the fabric either which is excellent in my view. So what's next?

Anyway I look forward to seeing what you guys think or can come up with.
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