Dude builds a PC case, DIY PERKS youtube

Fabric?? Thats a bloody towel, just wish he would of got a better colour, that horrible!!

Can just imagine what Tom would say about those cables everywhere......
I love the external look of the case but using bright green bath towel to insulate sound????

The theory is sound for the bath towel to insulate against vibrations and act as sound dampening material, the fibres on the cloth add surface area to it, and also will absorb the vibrations from sound that is being generated, it just looks soo.... (no other term for it springs to mind but this...) fugly..... ^_^
yeah it is a total mess inside, but im quite looking forward to the build log, will be an interesting watch methinks.
I see that now I just looked, the links to it there, but it not uploaded yet, guess I shut it off too quickly at the end