Bottom line vastly outweighs the customer experience in the gaming industry now.
There are many exceptions of course. The problem is that we have become a race of whining, entitled babies. You cant please us all. Give us the maximum detail and we will complain FPS is bad. Give us high FPS and we will moan that "its only becauase they use NVIDIA DLSS"
If I was a game developer in todays world, I would probably say to myself, that the customer will get what their given. You cant please us all.
Re-read that myself and it strays off the point completely

but still felt good to say. Hah.
Anyways. Corporations need control. If you let something slide a little, the next group that come along will try to take it further, and so on till you no longer have control over your own investments.
I do like the idea of the big ones like SEGA, Nintendo, Sony taking in the little guys to work on emulators though. These guys do it for love and passion in most cases. And if Dolphin was created into a full working efficient emulator and then marketed to cost money, then I would pay it. The problem then is that we are back to the loss of control on the ISO, Games themselves which would be flooded on the internet for
free. Nintendo would have no way to capitalise on that. emulator games are far easier to obtain "crack free" if you want to call it that, than PC games of today.
And if you made an emulator to only access the classic games of yesterday via the cloud, so that ISOs aren't used. Some new group of hobbyists will come along and modify said emulator, to run on ISO files also. Win Win for the consumer of course.