Does RTX 20 series create noise?


Active member
Hello guys,

So my friend recently sent me this video and I wanted to know what you guys say/think about this, for those of you who have an RTX 20 series card, that is.

It starts at 6:25 (the Youtube player wouldn't work if a "time stamp starter" was active, so therefore just linked the video itself)

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My 2060 has slight coil whine, and I've had setups where coil whine from components have resulted in matching noise in motherboard audio input and output.

However, I haven't used on-board audio with this setup - no idea if it would pick up the interference. I doubt it since the on-board audio is somewhat isolated from rest of the board. A cheap motherboard would result in a different story.
Yeah anything with inductors can create coil whine and EMI, this would generally increase with load, though usually it's only super noticeable if you're running through the front panel or with a really long analogue output cable.
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