Do I have a temperature problem?


New member
Hi guy's,

Please can you have a look at the following image and let me know if I have a temperature problem.
My case is a NZXT H440 with 3 fans in the front sucking in and 3 in the top pushing out with a H80i in push pull on intake and. SP fans on the rad and AF fans everywhere else. Should I be worried about my SSD or HDD temps which is being caused by the GPU blowing onto them?

Temps were taken during mild use to 1080p 120hz gaming.
You should look at maybe adding cooling to your drives or relocating them, Samsung SSD drives safe operating temps are 0 - 70c and WD drives are 0 - 55c.
Looks like it is time for a case upgrade then. I have the HDD's at the very top and clear air blowing over them, that is as far away from the GPU as I can get them. Thanks for the help Wraithguard.
I actually really like that case for it's layout and fan options, I'm surprised your getting such high temps around your drives. I would have thought having the drives either as high up as possible or low as possible would be fine.. I wouldn't personally use the 2 drive mounts directly above the PSU cover, it does look a tad to close to the GPU heat zone.

I like the case too, I did have the HDD's more spread out with an empty bay between them but the temps where even higher so I moved all three of them up to the top trays and removed the bottom ones completely but it has mad hardly any difference. So it looks like a new case or a new GPU and cases are cheaper :-)
I like the case too, I did have the HDD's more spread out with an empty bay between them but the temps where even higher so I moved all three of them up to the top trays and removed the bottom ones completely but it has mad hardly any difference. So it looks like a new case or a new GPU and cases are cheaper :-)

If you have:
- AIO watercooler for CPU
- three 120mm PWM front fans
- GPU on first or second PCI-E slot.

Try this: Remove the 2nd and 3rd trays from bottom. Add or change your middle front fan to an SP and focus flow fan (basically a Noctua). This will blow air directly to the first PCI-E slot's card. Set the Noctua a higher RPM than the other two (this case air inlets, the middle would suck air full on from right and some % from bottom). Note the fans' total intake RPM, note the total outake RPM. Use a thermal probe or thermometer in the case to see the internal ambient temp. Best place is just above your AIOed CPU. Don't let it touch the GPU backplate. If you have a temp of room ambient + (10' to 15') then you need to ramp up your outtake fans. For this H440 case, the total intake RPM should be higher than outtake. Don't let hot air cook inside. Play with your fans before upgrade. Good luck man.
looks good to me, I would lower the vcore though 1.368 is really high and could be causing more harm than benefit.
i dont see much of an issue with temps. (apart from the hard disks, which arent THAT much of a concern yet. but on a really hot day could become an issue i guess)

I would probably go for intake fans at the front of the case blowing through the hdd bays, 3x 120 i
probably would not need to be on at crazy high rpms. but i would try to get 3 decent static pressure fans.
then 2x 120 at the top for exhaust. if you want to use 3 120's then you would be better off reducing the rppm on those to probably about 70% or so if the intakes were at 100%
and i would have the rear mounted (i assume it is rear mounted) rad in push pull set to exhaust.

I always have my bottom mounted psu's pulling air in to them from outside the case.
this should mean you have a relitivly steady input of cool air in to the system, which will help push the heat up the case towards the 3x120 exhausts.

this should in theory remove the hot air at about the same speed or slightly slower than the cooler air is being introduced.
but it really could just be a matter of you need to use SP fans as your intakes and leave the rest the same. (although i would have my rad as exhaust not intake for sure)
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Thanks for the advice guy's, it is most appreciated. After a bit of playing around I have finally got the temps down but, in all honesty, I am not sure exactly how it changed so dramatically. The GPU still runs at the same temp but much quieter and the HDD temps have dropped buy minimum 15c. All I did was reverse the fans on the H80i so it was exhausting! Crazy but, it worked! I am guessing it was an air pressure issue.
its likely that the h80 was blowing the hot ait back in to the case before it was able to reach the exhausts at the top. causing it to circle down and re heat as well as warm up the cool air that was entering.

i always have anything that is above or at mid way of my case exhausting (unless it is at the front then those are intake.
anything lower than mid way would be intake (there are obvious exceptions. anything that produces heat would be exhaust, gpu etc. and a psu i always have intaking from outside the case so it is not stealing the cold air i introduced to the system, but this is a closed unit so it is intaking and exhausting, i prefered the top mounted ones in all honesty as it gave me an extra exhaust for case air)

I like to exhaust anything above mid way simply because hot air is less dense than cold air. so the more cold air you can introduce at the bottom the faster the hot air moves to the top.
Anything above mid point in the case should be relatively warm already. so i want to remove that as fast as possible so the cooler air can replace it "in turn the cooler air warms up and then gets exhausted."

its basic convective cooling But you accelerate it by removing the hot air.
I like to have more Cool air enter than i am exhausting to push the hot air as high up the case as possible. but there is nothing wrong with having it exhaust at the same volume as the intakes supply the case. (but you may find that you are exhausting the cool air being introduced by your front top mounted fan before the cool air sinks (or rather exhanges heat with the air currently in the case)
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