Different Displayports?!?!


Well-known member
Hi all. I really don't know why I'm posting this. By tomorrow I won't care, but it has me intrigued.

So I have a small rig (the pocket rockit) and in there ATM I have a Quadro FX 4800. Now on the back there are two Displayport sockets. I thought it would be a good idea to put my old beast rig in the wardrobe so it's clear for tomorrow when my new rig arrives. I figured I could use the wee pocket rig for tonight and then swap that out in the morning as it's so easy to move.

I plugged it into my 4k monitor and it takes ages for the Gigabyte bios to come up. I can go into bios and play, but after that I get the Windows logo then nothing.


I'm aware that I'm running a 4k monitor and the Quadro doesn't support 4k. So is it that Displayport comes in different guises and there are different types?

As I say, by tomorrow this message will self destruct or something but I'm just interested, that's all.

well in the past for me, when my pc didnt support a resolution then it simply went black. Windows logo screen is a different res to the desktop i think.
try booting into safe mode? other than that displayport is displayport, it's probably just not supporting the native res
Yeah true. I just figured it would run at its maximum res and that the monitor would run at that res.
I would have thought the monitor should downgrade to native computer res. but as with pc builds there is always a one off somewhere