DICE Wants "Win 10 Plus DX12 As Minimum Specs For Holiday 2016 Frostbite Games"

Me thinks not a good idea.

Its nice that they are pushing for it, however having it as a Minimum is a bit.. I myself dont see me going back to Win 10 anytime soon.
I actually agree, im all for progress and using the latest tech and tools available to us, this will only push developers harder and harder to to give us games which release after release raise the bar.
Me thinks not a good idea.

Its nice that they are pushing for it, however having it as a Minimum is a bit.. I myself dont see me going back to Win 10 anytime soon.

While I do understand where you are coming from I actually like Windows 10, but since the spying stuff has been added retroactively to Windows 7 and 8 I don't really care enough to avoid it.

I actually agree, im all for progress and using the latest tech and tools available to us, this will only push developers harder and harder to to give us games which release after release raise the bar.

I agree too, while it is annoying for those who use older hardware it really does open up a lot of new options and allows them to do thing in the most modern/ efficient way.

If DICE did this they would only need to optimise for only one API and OS, which frees up a lot of time for PC development.

I do hope that DICE will use Vulcan in DX12 in the future though, just so that the Linux people can get some action.
I say it's a great idea. They need to push for dx12 as quickly as possible. If they focus only on dx12 now it makes it easier to code dx12 properly and also eliminates issues with dx12. I love windows 10 so far and been extremely good performance wise. Anyone not seeing this as a good thing don't know the benefits of doing this. Windows 10 is a free upgrade anyway so no excuse for sticking to windows 7 or 8.1

While I do understand where you are coming from I actually like Windows 10, but since the spying stuff has been added retroactively to Windows 7 and 8 I don't really care enough to avoid it.

I agree too, while it is annoying for those who use older hardware it really does open up a lot of new options and allows them to do thing in the most modern/ efficient way.

If DICE did this they would only need to optimise for only one API and OS, which frees up a lot of time for PC development.

I do hope that DICE will use Vulcan in DX12 in the future though, just so that the Linux people can get some action.

I agree with the Vulcan statement. I would love to see some Linux games but I think they should first focus on dx12 and get it in a good working state then do vulcan. I can't wait to play dx12 games cause AMD really benefits from it and it can breath some life into my R9 280x crossfire setup.
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I been saying this for every Dev since DX12 was announced. Yes it's a good idea!

If you can't upgrade to W10, that means you need a new PC anyways, moving upto 7/8.1 won't benefit you. It's a free update for 7/8.1 users so literally no excuse to upgrade.
Well actually not everything will work 100% with Win10. Not everyone uses their PCs exclusively for games.
Did you miss the 'exclusively' part?

Nope! If you are on W10, it doesn't matter. Exclusive or not. Even if you casually game on W10, it doesn't matter, you still support DX12. W10 works perfectly in my experience and millions of others too. Even if you are on 7 or 8, get your butt into gear and upgrade already:p
Well maybe things have changed a little since I downgraded a few weeks ago. At the time there was still minimal support for what I use abd it was overall very buggy in most of the software. Well either way, it shouldn't be a problem by then. At the moment, my workplace and many others will be sticking to Win 8 till the partners etc release/support W10. Hopefully that will be soon.
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Well i whont ever be useing windows 10 i dont like being spyed on and i dont like alpha testing unfinished work for microsoft and i vowed a long time ago to never give EA or dice anymore of my money unfortunately other people are fickle.

You do realize you can turn those features off right? We can have freedom or safety (generally a bit of both). Can't say much for the EA part though. Not a big fan of them either.
You do realize you can turn those features off right? We can have freedom or safety (generally a bit of both). Can't say much for the EA part though. Not a big fan of them either.

No you cant there are still ' features' that mine data from you even after you try to stop them.
The system is allso a giant keylogger.
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No you cant there are still ' features' that mine data from you even after you try to stop them.
The system is allso a giant keylogger.

It's on W7 and 8.1 as well. Get over it tbh. Everything you do has already been sent off everywhere.. no where you go virutally is secure. Gotta get over it and mine as well get the best out of it. Which W10 is easily the best out of the last three.
I don't see any big red flags from reading that article though.

Tbh I would have thought people would be used to this kind of stuff by now. After all Google collects data about searches yet I don't see people constantly complain about it. We make tradeoffs, for the greater good of you will.
I don't see any big red flags from reading that article though.

Tbh I would have thought people would be used to this kind of stuff by now. After all Google collects data about searches yet I don't see people constantly complain about it. We make tradeoffs, for the greater good of you will.

I see plenty sending unencrypted data from my pc is a big no no.
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Could be that they want to protect your data in transit xD after all MS absolutely cares about their customers. (The irony though)
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