dipzy New member Mar 21, 2016 #1 Hi everyone, just wanted your input on what would be an ideal Desk Mount Monitor Arm for the Asus 34" Asus PG348Q Never bought one of these before so is there a good brand to look at when it comes to these mounts? Thanks
Hi everyone, just wanted your input on what would be an ideal Desk Mount Monitor Arm for the Asus 34" Asus PG348Q Never bought one of these before so is there a good brand to look at when it comes to these mounts? Thanks
tinytomlogan The Guvnor Staff member Mar 21, 2016 #2 Id personally not get anything cheap. There is a lot of weight to that screen due to the size. You may need to think TV mount rather than monitor mount
Id personally not get anything cheap. There is a lot of weight to that screen due to the size. You may need to think TV mount rather than monitor mount
Dawelio Active member Mar 21, 2016 #3 I'd contact Skip over at WSGF.org, Wide Screen Gaming Forum, he makes custom monitor stands and I just ordered one for 1x27" and 1x24". He told me that it would be fine having a that ASUS 34" and my 27" Swift on it without any issues.
I'd contact Skip over at WSGF.org, Wide Screen Gaming Forum, he makes custom monitor stands and I just ordered one for 1x27" and 1x24". He told me that it would be fine having a that ASUS 34" and my 27" Swift on it without any issues.
dipzy New member Mar 22, 2016 #4 thanks for reply guys, i'll check out the TV stands and the WSGF.org forums