Data Roaming charges to End in the EU by June 2017


News Guru
Data Roaming charges to End in the EU by June 2017.


Read more on Data Roaming charges being Abolished in the EU here.
Its already happening. its called LBO.

Local Break out is something we had to implement and means either your network only charges for local rates, or you can break out and use the local network prices of the network you are roaming on. My company have already implemented this as per EU Reg III and LBO roaming regulations. In fact, every network has done this in EU, by law.

Problem is, there are no LBO companies interested in doing this since theres no money to be made. So while we have fulfilled our end, BEREC (the governing body) screwed up and rushed this through without thinking.

We already have our own charging and call it "roam like home". It needs to be done though with 4G roaming on the increase, its easy to blow your cash quickly. Networks are moving towards roaming buckets though and its a far better solution. buy 1Gb for £5 or something like that.
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Never understood the roaming thing on phones.. why don't you just use your mobile data you already pay for?

because when you are abroad, you are using a foreign network. This network then charges your network for usage via CDRs which are sent in TAP files. its the content of the TAP files that shows up on your invoice each month.
because when you are abroad, you are using a foreign network. This network then charges your network for usage via CDRs which are sent in TAP files. its the content of the TAP files that shows up on your invoice each month.

Oh makes sense now.. can't believe I didn't know that tbh^_^
This is bad and will only benefit the elites and the rich. Telecoms companies have already said they will raise their prices in other ways to make up for lost revenue which will hurt the people who don't happen to own a holiday home in France or Spain.
This is bad and will only benefit the elites and the rich. Telecoms companies have already said they will raise their prices in other ways to make up for lost revenue which will hurt the people who don't happen to own a holiday home in France or Spain.

No we haven't. Where did you hear such a thing?

We are set to lose millions. It doesn't benefit the elite and rich at all. It benefits the consumer in general. What we are doing to counter the lower cost is to sell roaming data buckets for XX amount in the hope that people don't consume the whole quantity. We already had to spend approx £2million (every network in Europe) implementing this local break out feature of which we see no return in profits from it. 2mill isn't much, but it gives you an idea how fast we can lose revenue with the new setup.