Cyanogen Mod...anyvusers here?

I rooted my previous phone (Galaxy S2) and I had nothing but problems (I might have borked something during the process).

I've got a One M8 at the moment with no plans to root. What are the main benefits you're seeing with Cyanogen Mod?
Nothing so far. Just getting apps loaded back in and getting used to navigating again. It was mostly to see how it was done and if I could pull it off. I'm always tweaking stuff. My son did his s4 too.
I have to figure out what I miss about the stock HTC stuff. I've had some trouble with internet connections today. Deleted SuperUser and it seems to have cured the problem.
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I've got a HTC one x that runs cm nightlies just to see how it advances and to tinker with. On my daily phone (htc one m7) I use maximus HD as i prefered the sense skin if i'm honest. Cm definitely supports the most phones and a lot of roms use them as a base.
No point in rooting phones if all you are after is changing the skin. Better off with a launcher from the play store. Though my HTC One M8 already is simple and easy to use so for me its pointless.
My One Max is very easy to use. I just haven't had enough time to use it to see what benefits there might be to rooting the phone.
My One Max is very easy to use. I just haven't had enough time to use it to see what benefits there might be to rooting the phone.

The Sense UI is very good. Its only worth rooting a phone if its hard to use and full of shit, aka Samsung. HTC is perfectly fine from stock and if anything a custom launcher can easily fix that.
Custom launcher such as? I'll probably take it back to stock over the weekend. The only annoying thing so far is that damned Apollo music player. It's there every time I unlock my screen.