Crytek Boosts Crysis 2/3 Remastered's System Requirements on Launch Day

Can someone explain why Crysis 3 needs so much less space than 2?

Pretty bad move, imho. At least refunds are a thing, but it's still sad. Then again, I find it hard to believe someone with low end hardware is actually buying the trilogy, only to play it at 720p ulow settings.
I wondered that too. Maybe it has something to do with the fact they probably didn't have to re-write or re-work much at all with 3. Even by today's standards, 3 is absolutely gorgeous and honestly I can't see where they would've been able to "remaster" it at all.

I'm not too upset about the change in requirements either as they are very minor and I don't think they'd effect more than 0001% of gamers.