Crossfire r9 290 (non X, no oc) with RM750w


New member
As above really will my RM 750 be OK to run a pair of XFX R9 290's non x version also with no overclock ( Yet ) it will only be for a week or 2 a month max ?

I've run a pair of 7950's on it for about 7 months, other than that the unit is basically new. I've never really overclocked the GPU's but the CPU was running from week 2 on 1.015v @ 4.2.

The rest of the specs will be an I5 4690k, with 8gb 2400 ram, a few SSD's, 3 X SP 120 LED version, and 3 140mm fans, a pump, and a light strip. Cheers guys.
That's the number I arrived at too mate, but from the usual Google search most are saying 800 min but 1000 preferable. Which to me seems major overkill this day and age, with product becoming more energy efficient.
With no GPU overclocks 750w is plenty, if you plan on overclocking them definitely 850w or higher.
Actually you may run into issues with AMP's on the rails. With the STRIX RM750 I had to use the two daisy chain cables to power the GTX780 6GB - with just one cable attached using both connectors it was a bit shakey.

As the 290X will draw more power I would suggest you getting the 1000w
I am using a single 290X at the moment using two rails to feed the card. My psu is 850W and its 6 year old, I'am using many HDD-s and and a power hungry i7-950 as well with custom loop. Some times I'm run into power issues when gaming and rendering at the same time, or making some folding. I would use a 850W at the minimum with your rig as our governor said. :) (I already have the AX1200i to built in but I have no time for doing it yet) :/
How about just maybe a week or two ? Well RMA dependant, I've got a Z97 Gryphon to send back, and it all depends on how fast they turn it around.
Looking at some 290 CF reviews, they are saying 400-500 watts for 2 290s and with a full system 700-750 watts.
750w should be ok for a week or two, but you will definitely need to step up to 850w or 1000w.



The RM750 only has two PCIE's and they are daisy chained so you get 4 connection in total.

I dont think youll run a 290X off of one daisy chained cable - I said before I couldnt run a GTX780 6GB off of one yesterday and that will certainly be requiring less power than a 290X
Sorry Tom, missed your other post. If there is only one daisy linked cable on the RM750 it will probably be an issue then.

Although, he is running 2 non X 290 not the 290X. 750w is just enough power, but if the cable is daisy chained then that is a problem.
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Hopefully, my Amazon refund arrives today, and I'll order a 1000w to be on the safe side, either the, or the My first choice was the Superflower 850w, but with the 1000w being only £20 more, or £40 more for the sexy white platinum, i might as well go for it. Plus a 1000w Superflower should have long legs and last a good few years.

Can't go wrong with Superflower :D
My refund came through, yea, but a bigger bonus the Rockshox I cancelled because they were apparently out of stock, also came bigger YEA, so I finally decided on the SuperFlower Leadex gold 1000w, although the 1200w white was sexy and woukld go with the new white case build great, I couldn't justify an extra 20 quid for a psu that will under the shroud of the Luxe.

Thanks for all the great advise as ever guys.

It looks like I ordered just before the price went back up for OC'ers new weekly offers starting today as it is now £130 again, so another Yea, £10 saved.

The 1000w Superflower just came, and my god it's sexy
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