cpu failing prime, and OCCT ?


New member
I've just finished putting my build together and have a few problems the main one being, I can't get a Prime/OCCT run at all. I'm running at stock ( out of box ) for now. Here is the Prime text document. From a quick Google search it looks like the volts need a bump or a drop in multi, if this is right why, it hasn't been OC'd yet ?

Can any one help please.

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It's the 4960k mate. I went back into the bios and re loaded the defaults and all seems fine now. I had a 45 minute long OCCT run, that it finished, and prime for half an hour that it passed.

It was odd for the defaults not to be loaded, well I think that's what it must have been anyway. I'm thinking the small overclock that failed earlier, caused an issue. It took about an hour odd to get back into windows again, it was blue screening, then again, and again, then it went into disk checking, then more blue screens. That was odd, as usually when an OC fails it normally re sets itself to optimised defaults, and Windows will load. It was almost as if it was in a blue screen loop, I had to remove the CMOS battery to get Windows to re load, and that was after another disk check.
Weird stuffs..

I tried further OC'ing the pentium and it caused bootmgr failure.. never did figure it out. But then again UEFI still fries my brain, give me a bog standard Bios any day.