Corsair RMx PSU Review


The Guvnor
Staff member

Corsair have launched a new line of RM PSU's called the RMx. Can they live up to the performance we saw with the RMi series?

Corsair RMx PSU Review
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It's the same price as the older RM series, but even the old Rm series had corsair link, even though you need a s*** tonne of cables to make it work now.
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I'd really like to see some ripple testing without capacitors just to see how good the unit actually is relative to others.

It's the same price as the older RM series, but even the old Rm series had corsair link, even though you need a s*** tonne of cables to make it work now.

the RM was analogue and needed adapters for link - mega messy tbh.

I think the RM's are old stock now too, I dont think they manufacture them anymore
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So I am thinking about a Threadripper build. Was going to put this PSU in, because of it sitting atop of these Graphs and beeing pretty great bang for the buck.

But after seeing the OC Powerdraw from the 1950X... I wonder. Will this PSU be enough for Threadripper and say, a 1080 11gbps?

What other Recommendations do you guys have? Currently rocking an AX860I, so I guess carrying it on would be out of the Question.
So I am thinking about a Threadripper build. Was going to put this PSU in, because of it sitting atop of these Graphs and beeing pretty great bang for the buck.

But after seeing the OC Powerdraw from the 1950X... I wonder. Will this PSU be enough for Threadripper and say, a 1080 11gbps?

What other Recommendations do you guys have? Currently rocking an AX860I, so I guess carrying it on would be out of the Question.

Are you going to overclock it? Tom's review of the 1950x states 691w overclocked with a 980. More than safe for your existing PSU TBH. I would find out if the 1080 uses more power than the 980 (I really don't know I would need to Google it etc).
So I am thinking about a Threadripper build. Was going to put this PSU in, because of it sitting atop of these Graphs and beeing pretty great bang for the buck.

But after seeing the OC Powerdraw from the 1950X... I wonder. Will this PSU be enough for Threadripper and say, a 1080 11gbps?

What other Recommendations do you guys have? Currently rocking an AX860I, so I guess carrying it on would be out of the Question.

1000w will be plenty :)
Oh, I did not realise the GPU was counted in there as well, whoops. The 1080 is approx. 20 Watts more, so the RM1000X should get the job done splendid. Thank you for kickstarting my brain ^^
So... Given the fact this Review is now two years old... still a solid bet? Or any other recommendations?

About to hit that Order Button as soon as the H500P is in Stock <3