Corsair RMi PSU Review - RM750i & RM1000i


The Guvnor
Staff member

Corsair have launched their new RMi series PSU's with all japcaps, a 7 year warranty and some of the best electrical performance I have ever seen!

Corsair RMi PSU Review - RM750i & RM1000i
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That new colour on the units really nice!
The Ripple is just epic!
Also Tom please don't stack the two psus on that laptop keyboard it's making me feel uncomfortable :o
More neutral color scheme compared to AXi units.. fits with more rigs and looks great still, wish they got rid of the logo on the side however. It would look better without it. Currently loading up the vid on the YT.

In before written review too.. c'mon Tom hurry up!;)

Edit: Nice video as always and these are pretty darn impressive considering their price.. especially those ripple results. Damn those are crazy low. Just finished the video.. that was nearly a 20min conclusion lol:p
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They seem good, despite the fact they're CWT. At least way better than the "meh" standard RMs.

However, still quite expensive. I've just noticed that here in Italy the prices of Corsair PSUs have skyrocketed, since they are respectively 200-220, 170-180 and ~140 euros for AX760i, HX750i, RM750i.
Nice review there Tom personally I think you left out if you have a Super Flower it aint worth the ripple hehe :) my father was in power supplies in the railway network for over 25 years sadly he left the railway just after the potters bar disaster :(
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Great review Guv, on what is a fantastic PSU for the money. My RM750 is silent or near enough even with two 970s an overclocked 4690k and a plethora of HDD's and SSD's, glad they have gone with a more neutral colour scheme this time around
Those power supplies are nuts! Nice review Guv and I can see these going into heaps of systems, especially with the MSI Black and White boards and GPU's and for a moment there I thought you were going to say they also get the TTL White Gold award!
That ripple tho.......
They seem good, despite the fact they're CWT. At least way better than the "meh" standard RMs.

However, still quite expensive. I've just noticed that here in Italy the prices of Corsair PSUs have skyrocketed, since they are respectively 200-220, 170-180 and ~140 euros for AX760i, HX750i, RM750i.

CWT are awesome, I've been running a HX 850W, the original, since 2009 literally 24/7 in a small hot bedroom which also included a GTX 480 pounding it. I've actually nearly come to the end of my 7 year warranty. CWT are as good as Seasonic in my opinion.
Those power supplies are nuts! Nice review Guv and I can see these going into heaps of systems, especially with the MSI Black and White boards and GPU's and for a moment there I thought you were going to say they also get the TTL White Gold award!
That ripple tho.......

Didn't think of that! I can see more white themed builds in the near future
TBH, seeing these results for myself I am almost tempted to upgrade to an RMi PSU from my old cooler master 1000W PSU
What is/does this ripple thing mean though?... And before anyone asks, I have Googled it and must be dumb, as did not understand :(
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What is/does this ripple thing mean though?...

Think of ripple as PSU power stability or quality, or a man with a shaky hand.

If ripple is low it means that a PSU is delivering exactly what it is supposed too, with little variation and or instability, like a sober man who can very easily insert a USB port into his phone.

If ripple is very high, system instability can result, and components can suffer from reduced lifespans as it is constantly dealing with unstable power. really bad power supplies could cause severe damage to your PC or even destroy it. Which is why we never advise that you use a cheap PSU.

Think of a PSU with high ripple as a drink man trying to charge his phone or tablet, he will miss the first few times or try to put in in backwards, scratching the phone or even worse damage the cables or ports on the phone.

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Is that a request :p

No, just a thing for me to think over come payday.

My current PSU is a Cooler Master Silent Pro 1000w, which is a 80+ Bronze PSU.
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^ Looks like we've got some DP action going on from WYP himself ;)

Anyway, great review, I really enjoyed watching the video