NCIX have listed Neutron XT's for pre-order on their website, the pricing is as follows in USD. I've added a few other Corsair drives to help those in the UK understand where they are coming in. It's likely that once the initial supply and pre-order has passed prices will settle down slightly but they are still coming in almost perfectly between Neutron GTX's and Force LX's which seems appropriate to their relative performance.
Corsair Force LX 256GB - $137.77
Corsair Neutron XT 240GB - $176.98
Corsair Neutron GTX 240GB - $231.98
Corsair Force LX 512GB - $260.28
Corsair Neutron XT 480GB - $329.98
Corsair Neutron XT 960GB - $659.99
All price USD from