Corsair Neutron XT 480 GB any good?


Well-known member
So anyone using the Neutron XT drives and if so how you finding them for some reason my samsungs seem to be misbehaving as it seems my data is slowly corrupting and it's shitting me to tears or if you want to recommend anything else I open to suggestions
Ask JR, he had/has one and from what I'vd heard from him... the drive lives up to what it's said about it and he found it recommended so to speak :)
I can also get the Crucial M600 512 M.2 ssd for the same price or save some and get the MX100 512 and save $100
Do you have 840 Evos? They have got a degradation issue.

Personally I have an MX100 256GB and love it. Crucial is my go-to brand for SSDs. There's a review on the 512GB MX100 right here on OC3D :)
Do you have 840 Evos? They have got a degradation issue.

Personally I have an MX100 256GB and love it. Crucial is my go-to brand for SSDs. There's a review on the 512GB MX100 right here on OC3D :)

Ok nice to know will look at that review and yes I have the Evo's in raid0 and i just keep getting program corruptions is the only way to describe it and a degredation issue would certainly explain that
Just read that review of the MX100 and WOW sounds really good and I can save myself $100Au and get 32gig more into the bargain
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Aye, Samsung did release a firmware update that was supposed to fix it.Worth a shot, although what I've heard from users is that it doesn't do much.
Aye, Samsung did release a firmware update that was supposed to fix it.Worth a shot, although what I've heard from users is that it doesn't do much.

It's a lot of bollocks that I'm going to have to go through to fix them though I have to un raid them put OS on both and try the fix that may or may not work to hell with that I'll just get rid of them and buy something else that don't need all that
The Neutron XT is exactly as fast as it claims and thats simply epic for a SATA III drive. Having said that all of the premium offerings are so close together I doubt you would ever tell them apart during daily use. Longevity similarly doesn't seem to be a problem for nearly any SSD, aside samsungs lol. The deciding factor for me then comes down to brand and aesthetics. For a black and red build the XT looks amazing so much so it doesn't even need contemplating just buy it. Perhaps for a more reserved look 3K's are nicer. Because of the way they look I wouldn't really consider Crucials part of that premium little group. When there is a problem Corsair are really the best company to deal with, having said that it's not something that should encounter problems.

Ive got a couple 1TB versions of these going in my big rig builds thats going to be getting started soon.... :p
Personally I have an MX100 256GB and love it. Crucial is my go-to brand for SSDs. There's a review on the 512GB MX100 right here on OC3D :)

So you have the Crucial MX100 256GB?, it seems quite cheap actually. Might get it for the Elite 110.
So you like it yes?...

Perhaps for a more reserved look 3K's are nicer. Because of the way they look I wouldn't really consider Crucials part of that premium little group.


That is the Crucial 3K's you're talking about right?, if I'm not mistaken here...
So just because of how they look, you don't consider them being part of the Premium group?... what about the way they perform then?...
That is the Crucial 3K's you're talking about right?, if I'm not mistaken here...
So just because of how they look, you don't consider them being part of the Premium group?... what about the way they perform then?...

Wut? Kingston HyperX 3K's.

Yeah, literally just because of how they look. It would be quite difficult to tell the higher end ones apart on performance. Intels, Neutrons, HyperX 3K's are all much prettier, they put a little effort in to how they look beyond just stickers. The Crucials look weird with the connectors reversed and the ugly side up. It's not something that's important to everyone, some just want something that performs but I don't think anyone would deny aesthetics are an important part of any top-end product.

Yeah, gotta agree that with the higher SSD offerings there really won't be much of a real-world performance or longevity difference. Corsair warranty is indeed epic though, so that might be something to keep in mind.

Also have to agree that Crucial SSDs aren't that great looking at stock, but SSDs are very easily modified without voiding the warranty. Like WYP did this with it with some carbon vinyl and an MSI case sticker:

Just a quick little update.

I just bought a second Crucial MX100 and I am going to try and raid them.

The only problem with the MX100 is that it does not look good when displayed at the bottom of my h440, sooooo.



I decided to skin them in carbon wrap and use some of My MSI case stickers.

I have also changed to an R9 290X from my GTX 970. Expect more photos soon, after I have my SSDs etc sorted out.

I myself used the 7-9mm adaptor that they come with and a sheet of printed and cut-to-size paper to easily transform it into this:


Which I don't think is bad looking at all. If you go for stock looks though, and the SSD will be visible in your case, Crucial is definitely not the brand to go for. Price-wise, they are the most appealing out of all higher-end offerings.
I have a Kingston 3k, Samsung Evo 840, Corsair GTX, Crucial M500.. each one is amazing and love all 4. Speeds are advertised and not noticed any longeivity probllems. I have used the 3k for pretty much the first day i turned the PC on, still going strong.
My apologies, Kingston HyperX 3K.

So for my Elite 110, which would be best?... ie, not after aesthetics, but rather peformance and solid warranty/support.

After ~250GB as with an OS on, a 120GB will be filles quickly.

Please no high jacking! (The cheapest/ best looking)
Thanks very much for the replies all and I think I'm going to go the Neutron as I know how good Corsair are with warranty if I should ever need it.