Corsair Gaming Christmas Tree Special


The Guvnor
Staff member

It's a festive time of year and OC3D have teamed up with Corsair Gaming to brighten your day.

Corsair Gaming Christmas Tree Special

Aleksandr Chernyy

Roxanne Marie

Andriej Gorszunow

Marko Paatsio

Christina Horn

Rocco Roberto Brancaccio

Sam Nicko

Winners need to PM me with their entry email address and a link to their facebook for verification reasons before the 31/1/15 - any unclaimed prizes will be redrawn from the original entry list
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ahhh guv you do spoil us, i will pass on this comp as i won the monstrous strix rig.

good luck to all that enter

I hope if i saw the welcoming page it means i got the number corretly huh?
if i win then that will be a nice present for my younger brother :D
Thanks for the mention guv, sweet video ^_^ I'll try and be a good boy in 2015, Happy Christmas to you and tinysisterlogan.

I stopped watching when you said your goodbyes, Went back and saw the last 30 seconds, I SAW MY NAME, I'M FAMOUS !!!

I love your face Tom ^_^

We're both famous!!!!!! ^_^

Merry Christmas to tinytomlogan and tinysisterlogan(if thats what we're calling her?) as well:)

Thanks for honorable mention.. unlike in real life i'm noticed on here lol
Massive thanks and a very merry Christmas to you Tom & TinySisterLogan, have a great time and enjoy the big city over the newyear.
Only just watched the vid. thanks for the mention Guv, hope ypu and your sis have a wicked chrimbo an a great new year
Haha awesome video Tom, tempted to forget a new GPU and just buy a load of mice and keyboards, strip our tree through the night and get shouted at in the morning by the parents! ;)

Thank you for the mention too! Well done everybody. :) Merry Christmas to Tom and your Sister, and to all the members on here. :)
That's the best Christmas tree I've ever seen. Not sure the girlfriend would approve though!

It was great to see the mentions at the end of the video, even though there were no mod names in there.. pfft! :lol:
It was great to see the mentions at the end of the video, even though there were no mod names in there.. pfft! :lol:

No way! None of you whipping boys got a mention, who are the mods again.... mmm can't say I've ever heard of them. :lol: