corsair 900d og 780t

Hey guys

I am considering changing my case. but i just can't decide.

I have a custom painted black graphite 780T, witch i have painted part white. in the future, i am going to make a custom waterloop (green build). in my opinion i need at least 1 HDD and 2 SSD witch i already have. but i just dont think that the 780T is covering the HDD all that well.

I am a sucker for lots of fans and radiators, so the 900d is perfekt. it can hold a lot of fans, radiators and covering my HDD. (if i just the bottom mounts)

So down to it. what would you guys choose. the 900d and just dont have the money for the loop for a while, og stay with the custom 780T and have like half of the needed money for the custom loop i am planing, and have i HDD showing in the Case (hade it)

thanks in advance :)
The 900d is an awesome case. By bo mean is it perfect but its a good bit more affordable than a caselabs. There are a few things about mine that i do not like but it has hella potential. The 780t is also nice. But in the end if you already have a case that you could use that will fit your requirements there is no point upgrading. As its a case and its only function is to be a box that things sit in.
Hi guys

just an update, i have done the mod where i move the HDD bay a bit closer to the PSU. i just hit a bit of a problem. i am running 2 x ASUS 970 STRIX's and if you move the HDD bay, the last GPU card can't be mounted.

So MODDING TIME, or at least a quick solution time.

I sawed half of the HDD bay off, then Problem solved. You just need to use a metal file to remove the edges, i leaned from experience. Cut myself 3 times while doing cable management. Stupid ! :O

Just FYI ��
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