Connecting three DVI screens to two GTX980s


New member
Hi guys,

Can I please just check if the following schematic is still accurate?


To connect three 1080p DVI monitors to two GTX980s in SLI and enable Nvidia Surround to game at 5760x1080, do I use both DVI outputs from card one and one DVI output from card 2?

Cheers all

Nice one, so I can use the DVI ports from both cards plus the HDMI from the first card. Saves shelling out on DP-DVI adapters.

You're a legend, could not find that bloody configurator at all!
Yup as far as i see that should work. Plus let me remind you,you've taken a GTX 680 picture in you first post. Not one for a GTX 980, keep in mind they're both different! Cause i've got 2 680's and they've both got 2 DVI connectors/card so their options are different from a 980
Yes as long as you are in surround. If you turn surround off for some reason the single monitor on the second card will be disabled.