Very nice Reminds me a bit of this vid I saw of this college runningback who was practically unstoppable (I'll try to find it, I forget the guy's name though)
he is a senior in high school.... and i dont know if we can find stats.. i know he damn sure broke 1k in rushing yards..
!!!! that vid u showed me i think is a team that we beat... damn i dont remember what team.. but number 7 is a black kid.... the first game they beat us.. then the second game we beat them.... it might be brewer... from maine.
Whoops, forgot, that was a high school vid, senior. Apparently is going to FSU this year. And actually, no, he went to North Fort Myers in FL. He is black though Hit over 2k yards senior year. Link:
I try and get to watch Gunter High playing whenever I get over there.
It`s hard to explain to people over here, they don`t exactly queue up to go and see the local high school play `football`. Last time I seen a high school playing football over here there were possibly 2-3 bunches of parents around the outside hurling loud words across the pitch, and they`re not allowed to take photos.