Can't decide between the 390 and the 390x


New member
Hi guys,

Currently looking for a GPU that will upgrade my now tired sapphire HD7700, I have been looking at the MSI gaming 390 and 390x (looks great).

But the problem I am having is actually being able to find out if the price difference of roughly between £60 to £100 between the 390 and 390x is worth it.

I currently play using my 1080p monitor but plan on upgrading this in the near future to a 1440 display.

So my question is based on this what would you guys do?

If you plan on upgrading to 1440p then the 390x's extra power will come in handy. I bought a 390x and replaced a 7950. Was worth it to me. However I bought mine before the Fury came out and if I could get one, I would sell my 390x and upgrade to the Fury as I feel it's a large upgrade for not much more money. The Fury is easily the best price/performance card at the high end of the market and a very big jump in power from the 390x. If budget won't allow it though, 390x is perfect at 1080p and a very worthy card at 1440p.
thanks for that, I was leaning more towards the 390x just couldn't quite decide. I quite like the look of some of the Fury cards but alas I dont have that kind of money to throwdown

Actually looking forward to the R9 nano, if it gets priced right, might even treat the other half (please note the might :p)
If I was to buy a 390X it would be the sapphire version as they are one of the leading companies for amd cards and their coolers do a very good job :)
thanks for that, I was leaning more towards the 390x just couldn't quite decide. I quite like the look of some of the Fury cards but alas I dont have that kind of money to throwdown

Actually looking forward to the R9 nano, if it gets priced right, might even treat the other half (please note the might :p)
If I was to buy a 390X it would be the sapphire version as they are one of the leading companies for amd cards and their coolers do a very good job :)

I agree with you there, i currently have the 7700 vapor x and even pushing this card to it limits never had issues with heat
Hopefully they will bring out a 390X Vapor X I have the 290X Vapor X and it never ceases to amaze me even when I push it hard in benchmarks also the 390X waterblock will hopefully fit my 290X as I cant get an EK one atm :(

I also have a Sapphire HD7770 in my partners rig thats gotta be 3 years old now and still going strong :)
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Yeah the HD7700 vapor-x has done me well over the past couple of years. I was astonished to be able to play GTA 5 on medium settings at 1080 and still get a buttery smooth 60fps.

now you have made me consider waiting to see if sapphire decide to release the 390 series vapor x cards in the coming months.

but that backplate on the msi card is quite a nice addition, which I noticed sapphire have omitted from their offering of the 390x.

was looking at custom water cooling the other day and seriously considering it (if not only because I love tinkering and fiddling) quite an expensive thing to start up though.
what sort of rig are you running at the mo?

at the moment I'm running an fx8350 and an h80i and things are running great (only thing sort of holding me back is my GPU hence wanting an upgrade) although I seem to have lost out on the silicon lottery as I cant seem to push past 4.6
I'm running a FX 8320 overclocked to 4.5ghz with a custom loop cooling it everything else is in my signature
[/URL][/IMG] and yes Custom loops do not come cheap if you want something decent but there are plenty of us on here with water cooling experience if you ever need advice. I do hope Sapphire bring out a 390X Vapor X as the cooler is so good on my 290X. I sent my GTX 970 back due to false advertising then I got the MSI R9 290 I rma'd that after a week so then I got the Sapphire R9 290X Vapor X for £275 and I am very happy with what I have. Which motherboard are you using for your 8350? as that could be why you can't get it past 4.6ghz.
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I own the XFX 390x and it's very very quiet when set on auto. It stays in the 70C-79C range and doesn't hit 80C at all exlcuding when benchmarking/OC'ing it. I think the default fan profile is dead set on not hitting 80C as whenever it's about to the fan kicks up a notch and brings it back down. I find that the fan is audible once you hit about 60%. Anything below that and while you can hear it, it's drowned out entirely once audio plays.