Can you help?


New member
To all fellow members of OC3D.

I am taking part in a charity marathon in Budapest on the 11th Oct 2015 to raise money for an air ambulance charity that saved the life of a friend last year after he had a life threatening accident.

It would be great to see loads of support messages and for those that can spare any amount of money to make donations on the charity website.

Please look here :

and help where you can, please end any message with OC3D and your username.

Thanks to TinyTomLogan for allowing me to post this message and thank you to all of OC3D in advance as I know we are a great team.


Thanks for you question and in all honesty I do not know if you can donate via paypal. If you try clicking on the sponsor link it will most likely guide your through the process and mpre than likely want a bank transfer. If you cannot donate via paypal then they missing a trick and I will let them know.

Thank you for your support in advance.

As much as I am grateful for your donation and thoughts I can't wish you luck for tomorrow :) still, may the best team win and if you do then I will PM with you congratulations.

As an aside, donations ending in Holt RFC are from a rugby club I coach.

Can OC3D beat them? would be great if they could as I have been here since 2005 yes really! and at Holt since 2012. All the best.

Chudley :wavey:

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Excalibur, congratz on the win, cant believe how much your scrimmaging has come on, looks like the world cup could be in your grasp as you have got the game covered in all areas now.

Would love to see the aussies go and win - will make being beat a little easier to take :)

@ the rest of OC3D thank you for looking at this thread but would love to see some of you sponsor an old man running a marathon.
Excalibur, congratz on the win, cant believe how much your scrimmaging has come on, looks like the world cup could be in your grasp as you have got the game covered in all areas now.

Would love to see the aussies go and win - will make being beat a little easier to take :)

@ the rest of OC3D thank you for looking at this thread but would love to see some of you sponsor an old man running a marathon.
Sorry chudley which game are we talking about :confused: I only play two MWO and BF4
And do you game under the name chudley cause if you do then shame on me I need to open my eyes and pay more attention :eek:
The Rugby World Cup - think we might have had our wires crossed :)

In answer to your earlier question donations by paypal are accepted.

Doesn't seem to have been much interest sadly.
chudley I tried to make a small donation but I think because I'm not in the UK it wouldn't allow me to do it
Sorry Chudley - It won't let you go past to the billing area unless you have a UK address for the account it seems.
I've sent Create & Donate a message to see if there's a workaround.

Unlucky about the RWC nearly makes up for 2003... #sorrynotsorry
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I wonder if it is due to the gift aid box being ticked, only uk residents can claim gift aid.

It could also just be a glitch? Thanks for trying and supporting guys.

PM sent
Over 200 views, only 2 replies both with positive comments and likely donations, thankyou Excalabur50 and Jimma47 from Australia.

You are putting the UK forum members to shame as none have even offered support, come on anyone from the North of England, I know times might be hard but we are meant to be really generous folk.

Even just a message on the create and donate page offering support is better than ignoring it and will be a really good advert for your part of the country / world and OC3D as a community.

I look forward to hearing from you all - lets make it happen, I promise to post a photo of me in absolute clip at the end of the marathon.

Thank you for your support -

Us at the finish line, Thank you to Excalibur 50, Jimma47 for the sponsor ship, thanks to AlienALX for anything in the future and thanks to Shambles for the best wishes.

Our first runner got round the course in 2hours 49 mins he is in the front row behind the guy in black tracksuit and still smiling. Our slowest runner was just 4hours 37mins with a lot of chafing. My time was 4hours 15mins. - I'm the little old guy on the right :)

Although I had a great time we still have some way to go to reach our target so if you can any support would be greatly appreciated.

We also made it to the British Embassy in Hungary twitter page @ukinhungary

Thanks for looking and helping if you can.