Cameron's Proposed Encryption Ban will "Destroy the Internet"


News Guru
Cameron's Proposed Encryption Ban will "Destroy the Internet" and leave British people and Companies Insecure Online.


Read more on Cameron's internet destroying Encryption Ban here.
"You will now stop using encryption so MI5 can easily mine your data without asking anyone, thank you for your co-operation"
The only people this would affect would be those citizens of the UK who can no longer protect themselves or their communications from third parties (malicious or otherwise). There is a reason why we use so much encryption these days and it is in response to a real threat...
"Why is David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, proposing such a terrible idea?"

Because he's a TERRIBLE Prime Minister, that's why.
Who the hell thought it was a good idea to vote conservative? This is what happens. You get an idiot like Cameron trying to implement policies that he does not even understand. Too bad at least 80% of the UKs population probably doesn't even know what encryption is, so they won't care.
Cameron is a career politician, it's his job to jump in without knowing anything about the subject then flail around causing massive damage before finding a way to blame someone else.
Step 1: Ban encryption
Step 2: Monitor everyone's communication
Step 3: Start detaining without restraint all those who might vote anything other than Conservative
Step 4: Legalise inmate work forces for private sector use
Step 5: Abandon the Human Rights Act
Step 6: Maintain a strict disciplinary home rule with civilian degradation and abuse at every possible moment
Step 7: 30>40 years later, the U.S. invades to spread "Democracy" blows up half the country and confiscates what little remaining coal, oil, gas and fresh waster are left.
Step 8: +20>40 years, the human race finally wipes out sufficient levels of the planets ecology and commits suicidal genocide.
Step 9: A now bewildered and psychologically absent David Cameron appears on broadcast television from a secure bunker claiming "It's all for the greater good, we are a united country, and we will never fail - our enemy is the sun, and I'm launching Trident!"
Step 10: Aliens laugh their ass off at our broadcasts 10 Million years from now, assuming its a comedy show

Sadly, at least 3 of the above are viable and likely, I'll let you chose which 3...
Step 1: Ban encryption
Step 2: Monitor everyone's communication
Step 3: Start detaining without restraint all those who might vote anything other than Conservative
Step 4: Legalise inmate work forces for private sector use
Step 5: Abandon the Human Rights Act
Step 6: Maintain a strict disciplinary home rule with civilian degradation and abuse at every possible moment
Step 7: 30>40 years later, the U.S. invades to spread "Democracy" blows up half the country and confiscates what little remaining coal, oil, gas and fresh waster are left.
Step 8: +20>40 years, the human race finally wipes out sufficient levels of the planets ecology and commits suicidal genocide.
Step 9: A now bewildered and psychologically absent David Cameron appears on broadcast television from a secure bunker claiming "It's all for the greater good, we are a united country, and we will never fail - our enemy is the sun, and I'm launching Trident!"
Step 10: Aliens laugh their ass off at our broadcasts 10 Million years from now, assuming its a comedy show

Sadly, at least 3 of the above are viable and likely, I'll let you chose which 3...

I can actually see 1-6 happening as the general public in England wouldn't do anything about it as spines and balls are severely lacking in this country compared to others that have had revolutions.
I can actually see 1-6 happening as the general public in England wouldn't do anything about it as spines and balls are severely lacking in this country compared to others that have had revolutions.

Cameron won't ban encryption. At worse he'll ban whatsapp/other encrypted messaging apps as they aren't giving them a back door. doesn't mean I support the c***

>shiny hat on< I mean, its not like there's a chance that they just want a publicly available backdoor. I'm sure they've already got exploits out in the wild that gets around the encryption. Especially with Mobile devices and Windows. Take android for example, you can buy stuff 'off the shelf' that can embed itself in the phone and record keystrokes. >hat off<
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We are overdue a revolution I think in this country, but it'll take a lot more to push to that point. An awful lot more. There's a part of me what hopes I'll be alive long enough to see it, and to see what comes next - but there's a part of me that hopes I'm not, as it will undoubtedly be fairly awful.

Cameron won't ban encryption. At worse he'll ban whatsapp/other encrypted messaging apps as they aren't giving them a back door. doesn't mean I support the c***

>shiny hat on< I mean, its not like there's a chance that they just want a publicly available backdoor. I'm sure they've already got exploits out in the wild that gets around the encryption. Especially with Mobile devices and Windows. Take android for example, you can buy stuff 'off the shelf' that can embed itself in the phone and record keystrokes. >hat off<

That wasn't a proper revolution, A proper revolution sees all aristocrats, Monarchy, Hand shakers of any type removed from power forcefully and violently if need be.

England has never had a real revolution, Germany did, Same goes for France, They beheaded or exiled all their lot which is what should happen, The English people have been castrated in that regard as they have been brainwashed over 1000 years by the "Upper class" and sadly it will never change in England as long as the "Class system" is in place this country shall remain somewhat of a joke.

Having worked all across Europe you quickly realize how far behind the ordinary people of England are compared to the rest of Europe and it's a crime as some of my best friends are English and they deserve so much more.
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