Step 1: Ban encryption
Step 2: Monitor everyone's communication
Step 3: Start detaining without restraint all those who might vote anything other than Conservative
Step 4: Legalise inmate work forces for private sector use
Step 5: Abandon the Human Rights Act
Step 6: Maintain a strict disciplinary home rule with civilian degradation and abuse at every possible moment
Step 7: 30>40 years later, the U.S. invades to spread "Democracy" blows up half the country and confiscates what little remaining coal, oil, gas and fresh waster are left.
Step 8: +20>40 years, the human race finally wipes out sufficient levels of the planets ecology and commits suicidal genocide.
Step 9: A now bewildered and psychologically absent David Cameron appears on broadcast television from a secure bunker claiming "It's all for the greater good, we are a united country, and we will never fail - our enemy is the sun, and I'm launching Trident!"
Step 10: Aliens laugh their ass off at our broadcasts 10 Million years from now, assuming its a comedy show
Sadly, at least 3 of the above are viable and likely, I'll let you chose which 3...