Building my dream N64. More in depth than you would think (and me !)


Well-known member
OK so I hit on some of this in the purchases thread. However, as per usual it has gone epically out of control lmao.

So the story goes. In the late 90s I had this setup.


It was cumbersome and expensive, but it worked. However, when I got it to the USA I realised the U.S did not adopt SCART and because it was RGB modded it would not work. So we rushed out to Ames (older Americans will know what that is :D ) and I bought a water melon console. Which worked fine.

I always wanted the Japanese watermelon console though because it was better as Jap stuff usually was. As in, this is a US model.


Which I bought. Come to find though that the Jap model was indeed better.



After spending 30 quid on a red shell I decided to just eat it and buy a clear one as well.


So I bought a console, PSU (UK which is awesome) and controller for 40 quid.


And a new controller for 15 quid with a hall effect stick, which is actually far better than I thought tbh.


That said I heard the 8bitdo one was the best, so I got one of those for 20. For the blue controller, just in case the red one was trash. It's not tbh.


I then got a Jap AV cable. NOS.


And a 2x scaler for about 25.


The last thing for the time being was a ED64 plus at around 38 quid delivered.


I then realised the Summercart 64 can emulate the DD and all of its roms, so I got a Summercart ffs.


That said my aim here is to have two consoles. One for mum's house and one for here. So the two shells will combine into a second one in reverse, that's fine given it is just left over stuff.

So I played the snot out of it tbh. 4-5 hours per night whilst at mum's. Right now I am playing Mario 64 and Paper Mario at the same time. Well, I will play SM64 until I want to smash something (lmao) then switch to the slower paced Paper Mario. Thing is there are still tons of games I never played properly.. Hence why the goal is to end up with two.

So the last thing I thought I needed was the FRAM memory card. IE, someone made a flash memory card that does not need a battery. This I will just carry from place to place as it was 15 quid.


And not forgetting the sodding expansion pak. These use RIMMS (AKA Rambus) and thus can not be reproduced. So they are 43 quid ffs.


And a jewel from France for 8 quid.


I then realised the console had been modified. See, the Jap and USA versions were the same apart from the cart slot. So people would remove said slot and hack it to bits. This is fine in a black console but on a clear one? no. Especially not my dream one ffs.


I never even knew that existed but at 4 quid shipped I will take it. Will look so much better through the clear console.
I love when projects spiral out of control, especially retro console projects. ;) Your mention in the purchases thread got me to play my old n64 again and buy a few bits. Doing the same for a second n64 that my wife has in storage. She wants one set up for her now too! Hopefully that's as far as it goes lol. As usual, looking forward to see what you come up with!
Dude I found out something super cool yesterday. All of the DD games have been converted to run on a regular Everdrive now.

If you go to Cartridge Ports you can get them all there. This is awesome, as it means I can play DD on both eventually. For now though? more ordering. I probably could have gotten away with buying a Super Famicom as emulation is actually better. However, I like the original controllers and besides the aggro to get a PC connected up ain't worth it. So.


Was 40 quid. It is also one of the best I have seen with hardly any yellowing at all. That said, I still got this.


And a UK power supply (new). I then got this. Total cost on this was 100 pounds all in.


The nice thing is it shares the same AV cable as the N64, so I can literally pull it out of one and shove it in the other. Meaning far less cables.
OK the N64 is almost done. It's all shell swapped but the cart tray isn't here yet.


I noticed the original tray had been chopped about like I said. Thing is some butt pirate had put a warranty sticker over the game bit screws. I thought that extremely cheeky. You know? Hack up a cart slot and pretend you are god. However when I opened up the N64 I got a shock. It's been modded. Not like amateur but professionally. I am 99% sure it's been RGB modded. Which would cost a lot more. Problem is I don't have a RGB out cable. So I've bought one for £8 from Ali. Because if I am correct and it has been RGB modded it will look miles better using RGB out.

Amazing. What a bargain lol.
Custom cart label. And we are done.




£30 just to do this lol.



And for the next trick !

I am playing SM64. Until it pees me off as it is getting hard now. So a few stars.. Then either Paper Mario or Worms Armageddon. I also started Conkers last night and did the bull and cows level. Whilst crying with laughter.
I am playing SM64. Until it pees me off as it is getting hard now. So a few stars.. Then either Paper Mario or Worms Armageddon. I also started Conkers last night and did the bull and cows level. Whilst crying with laughter.

I think Conkers will be next for me. I only played through that game once when it launched.
I never played it on genuine hardware because the Doctor was only 32m. It came with 16 and you had to buy the second kit for £80. Which I did, but there was something wrong with it so anything over 20 would not load. So yeah I played it in an emu in about ooo 2006?
Shadow temple on OoT....cleared the whole thing, get to boss room, N64 hard locks. Restart and I'm back at the beginning of the temple. Bruh...
The N64 was such a great system. I remember getting one as a kid, was from a car boot sale. My siblings and I played a lot of Mariio Party.