Borderlands Original Retail


New member
I have all Borderland games through out the series, so decided to reload my Borderlands games and addons including DLC3,DLC4 version all works well.
The problem I have is this is the original retail game from Gearbox and you need to have the dvd in the player for it to work as the .exe always looks for it.
My case is a NZXT S340 and does not have a place for the DVD player and when I installed the game had to take the side panels off and add a couple of cables to run my internal player externally.
I don`t wont to leave the panels or cables hanging out the case as my grandchildren use my PC, I also don`t really wont to be buying an external drive as 99% of my games are now digital DL`s.
Any suggestion of a way around this problem would be grateful.
Just give google a whirl and look for "No CD/DVD fix" for your selected games, it's just a case of downloading a modified .exe and replacing the original, they can be found most places but always scan them through malwarebytes ect before using them.

Alternatively hit up the borderlands communities and see if they have a work around i.e editing a config file that would ignore the initialization CD/DVD validation portion.
I have tried the NO DVD fix does not work with my version as they always come back with a virus in the paul.dll file I will try ur 2nd option
Yeah have a look into the Communities someone WILL have done it, there is nothing more infuriating than having to use the disc every time you want to play.
What about using something like DAEMON tools lite?

It should basically create a virtual disk with the ISO on it from your original disk. Only downside is that it'll always show as a DVD station with the game in it in the 'My Computer' folder next to your hard drives.
I all ready own it, was wondering if it is possible to get the game to boot up from a usb stick not sure how to go about it though.
A massive thxs to Lazlo for the steam link nice 1, as I am typing this I am now downloading the digital copy.
All I have to do then is just activate my addons and DLC`s.
This is why this forum is the best 1 around if you ask there is always someone that knows something that`s going to get you to where you want to be.

I think we need to award the GOLD STAR OF EXCELLENCE to a MR Tinytomlogon
Did you just add the non steam game from the menu as this will only add a shortcut to your PC to the game but not hold a copy of the game on their server.
The new digital copy is Steams own Borderlands, as long as you have the Original Retail Copy.