Blizzard announce system requirements for World of Warcraft Legion


News Guru
Blizzard have announced the system requirements for World of Warcraft Legion, increasing the CPU, GPU and storage requirements over the last expansion.


Read more on World of Warcraft Legion's system requirements.
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Yet the game doesn't appeal to me at all... Never understood the point of the game and that it looks worse than Battlefield 2 lol.
Yet the game doesn't appeal to me at all... Never understood the point of the game and that it looks worse than Battlefield 2 lol.

It's an MMO. If that's not your thing then of course it won't appeal to you. They shoot for low requirements on all of their games to support the broadest player base.

At high resolutions with everything maxed the game does look decent, but still leaves something to be desired. I think the WoW style Blizzard has used for the game has aged well, but I'd love to see something from them that pushes the envelope in the graphics department. Then again there are people in my raid group who can barely run what the game is now on low settings. In an MMO, player population is more important than eye candy.
The added eye candy isn't that interesting to me, just glad to see they are constantly tweaking/refining their game engine.
I've always liked wows art style as well as the epic music.

I'll be picking up the collectors box when it's out :)
I've always liked wows art style as well as the epic music.

I'll be picking up the collectors box when it's out :)

I thought you didn't play anymore Dice? I have Mists of Pandaria Collectors box didn't bother with WOD just bought the expansion I hung Tolemac's mages robes up at the beginning of this year after 4 years of being an Officer and Raid leader in Big Guilds. The game has changed so much and lets face it you can literally not be in a guild and still raid as you can do this cross realm now. I'm not too sure if I will ever go back to WOW. If I decided to I would possibly realm change from Defias as it's got more and more Toxic
I thought you didn't play anymore Dice? I have Mists of Pandaria Collectors box didn't bother with WOD just bought the expansion I hung Tolemac's mages robes up at the beginning of this year after 4 years of being an Officer and Raid leader in Big Guilds. The game has changed so much and lets face it you can literally not be in a guild and still raid as you can do this cross realm now. I'm not too sure if I will ever go back to WOW. If I decided to I would possibly realm change from Defias as it's got more and more Toxic

It's still impossible to do harder content with randoms, though.. I rage quit about 50% of mythic dungeons, and I don't even dare to do raids harder than LFR difficulty
It's still impossible to do harder content with randoms, though.. I rage quit about 50% of mythic dungeons, and I don't even dare to do raids harder than LFR difficulty

I agree to some extent Mythic raiding is where you would need a guild of decent players as for Mythic dungeons I did see a lot of "rage quitting" going on however I had some friends and myself that were "overgeared" for them so we could carry a couple of players :)
Maybe I'll come back to the game. Quite enjoyed my paladin back in the day. Finding a competent guild will be tricky with all the douchery and elitism crappy community that is Wow these days though.
Maybe I'll come back to the game. Quite enjoyed my paladin back in the day. Finding a competent guild will be tricky with all the douchery and elitism crappy community that is Wow these days though.

Yeah I agree it seems that guilds are going to be a thing of the past though I just need to find a decent realm where the players are respectful and helpful to each other I have always played on a RPPVP realm and met some great people along the way but when they merged all RPPVP realms its just a horrible place to be and I loved playing Tole he is mainly an arcane mage I remember back in Cata I was 26 weeks on Dragon Soul and i got the 4 set with my guild and it was awesome we would always help if somebody need it.
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I thought you didn't play anymore Dice? I have Mists of Pandaria Collectors box didn't bother with WOD just bought the expansion I hung Tolemac's mages robes up at the beginning of this year after 4 years of being an Officer and Raid leader in Big Guilds. The game has changed so much and lets face it you can literally not be in a guild and still raid as you can do this cross realm now. I'm not too sure if I will ever go back to WOW. If I decided to I would possibly realm change from Defias as it's got more and more Toxic

I always gets the collectors edition boxes, Play the new levels or new class then quit until the next expac ^_^
But you can be an epic rogue killer "filthy stabby class" :eek:

Tell me what realm I'll bring my nice friendly rogue over to meet you.

But on a more relevant note I'm not going near wow until they have done a few patches to see what content they are going to do, if it's another WOD they can put wow where the sun don't shine
Tell me what realm I'll bring my nice friendly rogue over to meet you.

But on a more relevant note I'm not going near wow until they have done a few patches to see what content they are going to do, if it's another WOD they can put wow where the sun don't shine

I'm on Defias alliance side although i'm not playing atm and I agree i'll wait for the release before even buying the expansion.
I had loads of fun in MoP but WoD kinda killed it for me, the entire mandatory garrison thing just wasn't to my taste. Plus I can't put the time in anymore as I'd like due to my job, so paying the subscription when I can barely play just isn't worth it.

I am curious to what the new expansion will bring though, might just get it after a couple of months and level a character to see how it plays.
But you can be an epic rogue killer "filthy stabby class" :eek:

Never really liked Rogue TBH, I like Druid, Warrior and Warlock :)

I had loads of fun in MoP but WoD kinda killed it for me, the entire mandatory garrison thing just wasn't to my taste. Plus I can't put the time in anymore as I'd like due to my job, so paying the subscription when I can barely play just isn't worth it.

I am curious to what the new expansion will bring though, might just get it after a couple of months and level a character to see how it plays.

Best expansion for me was TBC, I absolutely loved Shattrath and meeting up with so many people and the music of Outland was amazing.
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Never really liked Rogue TBH, I like Druid, Warrior and Warlock :)

Best expansion for me was TBC, I absolutely loved Shattrath and meeting up with so many people and the music of Outland was amazing.

Apparently the new Demon Hunter Class can see rogues even when they are stealthed ;) but i'll always play a mage but I have a enhance shaman, priest and a warlock all level 100

Mine was Cata but I think it was down to the Guild I was in back then and the realm I was on
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If only I could get back into it. WoW was my life from vanilla to 3.2. Constant dumbing down and making everything easy other than the very 0.1% of content really annoyed me though. It's like if you aren't a hardcore PvP/PvE player then everything is completely faceroll. 4.1 was the final straw.

Does legion offer anything worth coming back for?
If only I could get back into it. WoW was my life from vanilla to 3.2. Constant dumbing down and making everything easy other than the very 0.1% of content really annoyed me though. It's like if you aren't a hardcore PvP/PvE player then everything is completely faceroll. 4.1 was the final straw.

Does legion offer anything worth coming back for?

That remains to be seen when it's released, tbh I wouldn't go near legion until the 7.2 patch just to see if they put actual content or alot of Apex crystal grinds again, Considering the amount of subs they have lost they have got to do something special.

Having 22 characters to level I hope they make the levelling less linear, upto wotlk you had choices of zones where you could go level after it was just follow the yellow brick road