Bitspower ROG Full Cover Blocks Rampage Formula Hero Ranger Gene & Impact


The Guvnor
Staff member

The whole current ROG motherboard range get some sexy Bitspower full cover loving!

Bitspower ROG Full Cover Blocks Rampage Formula Hero Ranger Gene & Impact
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I'm so not sure how this is going to pan out, I think they look pretty awful and some of the builds they've been used in so far really don't work but i'm anxiously waiting to find out your opinion having seen them for real :D

Edit: Well i've just given it a watch and i'm still of a similar opinion, I don't think any of them look better than when they are stock and as they don't really help performance I don't quite get it. I'm not just talking bum because I like the supremacy on my rampage, I would genuinely consider them for my Gene build. I just couldn't remove the heatsinks, for that.

It would of been nice to see black o-rings with the fittings as it's otherwise a colour neutral product, not that they are very visible. Also the Rampage and Formula should come with some form of replacement IO cover as it makes it hard to differentiate the rampage from the formula. The rampage looks the best just because of it's complexity. I don't see it catching on that fast, preferred EK's old black edition monoblock.

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I really like the look of Asus Maximus VII Impact block.Its level and doesn't stand out to at all.
The rest of them look to bulky, to big for me, I would rather used normal blocks and connect them nicely.
Me three. I love Bitspower gear, but I'm not struck on these things (other than the Impact, which is great looking). I don't find there to be much aesthetic value to a big blob of acrylic. There are so many great looking CPU blocks out there that I'd sooner leave that CPU socket uncluttered and skip the mobo block entirely, or do it separately. Just my $0.02.
I agree with the others, it looks just too bland.

I have a feeling the cooling power is average, and I am curious as to flow.

The good thing is its simple. I can remember looking at cooling for older boards, and it was much more complicated to fit the blocks. This is simple, quick and easy.

I am just not sure if cooling all that now is really needed now.
I agree with the others, it looks just too bland.

I have a feeling the cooling power is average, and I am curious as to flow.

The good thing is its simple. I can remember looking at cooling for older boards, and it was much more complicated to fit the blocks. This is simple, quick and easy.

I am just not sure if cooling all that now is really needed now.

I think that cooling the mobo is not needed, does look so much better, as long as you do it properly and well..., sadly you don't use those blocks:)
I think it looks pretty nice on the Rampage. Nice and centered on the board, as with the rest its a bigger square and off center. I would probobly be interested in this for myself.
After watching the video on these the main thing that I noticed is that with the upper range boards you can't get at the battery if you have to change it without stripping the whole bloody thing bit of an over site there
After watching the video on these the main thing that I noticed is that with the upper range boards you can't get at the battery if you have to change it without stripping the whole bloody thing bit of an over site there

The bored would be long outdated and be replaced way before the battery goes dead for most I would think. I dont see anyone who would have any interest in this sort of product running the same board for many years.
The bored would be long outdated and be replaced way before the battery goes dead for most I would think. I dont see anyone who would have any interest in this sort of product running the same board for many years.

You may be right but I have had batteries die on me before just saying
Only the impact has any appeal for me. Waterblocks are just as much cosmetic as they are performance based.

Those frosted looks make the other blocks look simply awful. Its also a flaw I dislike with many EK blocks now.
I have just seen the video, and i did notis somthing. If you wanna put an PCI Express M.2 Card ind ore out of the Rampage V Extreme you have to take all your watercooling of!
In my eyes they haven't been think about that when they maked it.
The hole Rampage V Extrene looks a little to big in my eyes.
I dont think i am going to get the bitspower set.
My next build is going to be a mini itx. I'm tired of building huge rigs, I like small and mighty now and that waterblock will be perfect. Especially with a full cover GTX980 :D
My next build is going to be a mini itx. I'm tired of building huge rigs, I like small and mighty now and that waterblock will be perfect. Especially with a full cover GTX980 :D

It's definitely a more realistic option now more so than it's ever been and something i'll be considering when finally making my next build (prob a long way off though)! Also helped along by companies like Parvum who make beautiful ITX cases
I am not sure about the look of the chipset coolers on the Z97 boards.
Could you also only fit the top blocks with CPU and Mosfets leaving the original Cooler for the Chipset?

And any chance of getting some pictures of this. (like should you rebuild them back to air anyway)

But I actually like the connecter plate. I think if you add 2 GPUs connected in a simular fashion and some acrylic tubing and red coolant it will look pretty neat.
My next build is going to be a mini itx. I'm tired of building huge rigs, I like small and mighty now and that waterblock will be perfect. Especially with a full cover GTX980 :D

Thinking the same thing - after my pc desk build (will be enormus with many rads..) then I want a Mini itx - small and powerfull as you said! WC as well ofc..