BitFenix Spectre PRO 200mm Blue vs Cooler Master MegaFlow 200mm blue


Active member
Hey guys,

Mostly for Feronix, but anyones thoughts on this are much welcomed... which one do you think is best, performs the best to the lowest noise, even when under monitoring (ie controller slowering the fan down and up), for motor whine when volting change etc?...

And I know what some of you guys think about 200mm, but JR got me convinced of the Noctua's industrial and he wasn't wrong... they are literally silent!.
Can't really compare them though, just a though there...

Any comments, thoughts, ideas, tips or recommendations are highly appreciated and welcomed! :)

Well I can't comment on the Megaflows really, but I have a 230mm Spectre Pro at 5v as my only system intake. Temps are brilliant and I literally can't hear it 50cm away from my face on the desk :)

Well I can't comment on the Megaflows really, but I have a 230mm Spectre Pro at 5v as my only system intake. Temps are brilliant and I literally can't hear it 50cm away from my face on the desk :)

You mean you place your face on the desk while sitting 50cm away?`haha I jest with thee.

Im a big fan of the Spectre fans. Great performance and low noise.
I don't know if I've broken it, but mine makes a sound in the motor... kinda like when a small stone have gotten stuck between the brake and disc on a car, makes a small sound.
Dunno why...
I don't know if I've broken it, but mine makes a sound in the motor... kinda like when a small stone have gotten stuck between the brake and disc on a car, makes a small sound.
Dunno why...

If you use something liek the NZXT Mesh.. holy shit that controller is bad, it made every fan I owned sound like a 50cc Moped racing up and down the street. I plugged it into my lamptron and sweet silence.
If you use something liek the NZXT Mesh.. holy shit that controller is bad, it made every fan I owned sound like a 50cc Moped racing up and down the street. I plugged it into my lamptron and sweet silence.

Haha no mate, have the 380T, so limited in terms of controllers. I have it plugged into the 7V on a 5,7,12V to molex adapter. Although gonna hook it up to the Corsair Commander Mini soon.

Haha love and laughed at the sentence "holy shit that controller is bad" :D
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