For that money freaken worth it! I own a pair and use it with a Fiio E10k. The sound is balanced. Not to much bass or highs which means the mid isn't drowned out. I listen to metal music and the bass is enough for me. I never feel like it needs more. If I do add bass because I like certain parts of a song or i'm gaming and want it louder then I just turn on the bass boost from the E10k and it really hits hard. Sounds lush! Never distorts at any levels I'm willing to listen to. Just be aware they are OPEN not CLOSED so people WILL hear what you are listening too. They can get loud if you push them. If you ever plan on wearing them outside then get the 770. If you just use them when sitting down at the PC then I'd get them. That's why I choose the 990's over the 770's. If you need a mic make sure to buy one, i use a modmic for mine
Edit: I should mention, after a while my ears start to hurt. I don't think it's the headset because that's happened to me with every headset I have ever used. Usually start's to get real bad around 3 hours of use. Once i stop wearing them it goes away within 10 mins.