News Guru
It has been confirmed that Bethesda will be showing an RPG of all major platforms at E3.
Read more on Bethesda's E3 Conference here.

Read more on Bethesda's E3 Conference here.
+1 hell yes give me fallout!please be fallout 4
Just to troll everyone it would be funny if they were hyping the hell out of it to be Fallout 4 then they actually reveal it as a Fallout remaster of all the previous ones for PC/Xbone/PS4![]()
Don't be giving them ideas!
As I'm not too into Fallout I hope it's something to do with Elder Scrolls or maybe even a brand new IP![]()
please be fallout 4
+2!!!! I'm old, and I consider Fallout 3 to be one the best PC games ever created. You guys that aren't into the series should *really* go back and check that out.+1 hell yes give me fallout!
Actually, I wouldn't mind them doing a remastered version of the Fallout games considering the problem I have playing Fallout 3 on the newer system. Still, they can do that after they bring out Fallout 4.
+3 -> Follout 4 would definately make the world a better place! :beerchug:+1 hell yes give me fallout!
Just to troll everyone it would be funny if they were hyping the hell out of it to be Fallout 4 then they actually reveal it as a Fallout remaster of all the previous ones for PC/Xbone/PS4![]()
Yes, agreed, the ironsights where cool in new vegas, as was 'hardcore' more. Overall though i felt 3 was much more immersive and convincingi liked new vegas best.
i tried to like 3, but no iron sight was a game killer for me..
Also the 1st one was not my cup of tea at all. "i prefer the fps rpg style"
I would really not mind a remake of the other fallout games all rolled in to 1. (so the world is a lot bigger) with extra quests, and iron sights. also to play the whole thing through as some one else, whilst the game pretends that some one is playing the original version at the same time,
so the original quests you had to do in the original game may or may not have been done by some one else depending when you arrive.. I.e You decided not to go straight to megaton "because you started some where else" then when you eventually get to that megaton place. its a 33/33/33 % chance that the nuke is either exploded/disarmed/untouched