Bethesda doesn't mind criticism on Fallout 4 graphics


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In an interview with Metro UK, the head of marketing at Bethesda responded to the criticism on Fallout 4's graphics. They don't mind it.


Read more on Bethesda's reaction on criticism on Fallout 4 graphics.
The issue is content. Games like this take years to make so you can't keep changing the graphics engine. If you do then you end up like 3D Realms and you have a Duke Nukem on your hands.
I really don't understand the hate on the graphics either. There are games out there that look better, there's no denying in that, but it looks great to me, especially considering that it's an open-world game. I guess some people just can't ever be satisfied.
I find all this rather humorous, people complaining about the graphics of a game that is not out yet!?
I find all this rather humorous, people complaining about the graphics of a game that is not out yet!?

It's the issue that the devs have said these are the graphics people will get with the end product, They showed it at E3 and to be fair they do look a little last gen, They look ok but they look a bit like a modded F3 which is a little disappointing to many *Excluding myself as I honestly don't give a rats anus* considering that game came out in October 2008 which is a few days over 7 years ago now.

You can't blame people for being a tiny bit disappointed with the looks considering the time span since the last one, Graphically it looks like it came out around 2010.
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It's the issue that the devs have said these are the graphics people will get with the end product, They showed it at E3 and to be fair they do look a little last gen, They look ok but they look a bit like a modded F3 which is a little disappointing to many *Excluding myself as I honestly don't give a rats anus* considering that game came out in October 2008 which is a few days over 7 years ago now.

You can't blame people for being a tiny bit disappointed with the looks considering the time span since the last one.
It is in some way to be expected given the pretty titles we've seen released in the last year or so, you should know more than most with your gaming channel, we have been spoiled rotten with gorgeous graphics i.e GTA V, The Witcher III, Crysis 3, Batman: AK, Alien Isolation, Thief, BF4. All I know is I'll still be playing FO4 and Just Cause III this Christmas holiday season, regardless of what they look like, they have gaming heritage. ;)
It is in some way to be expected given the pretty titles we've seen released in the last year or so, you should know more than most with your gaming channel, we have been spoiled rotten with gorgeous graphics i.e GTA V, The Witcher III, Crysis 3, Batman: AK, Alien Isolation, Thief, BF4. All I know is I'll still be playing FO4 and Just Cause III this Christmas holiday season, regardless of what they look like, they have gaming heritage. ;)


Graphics to me only matter up to a certain point, Hell I've just started playing through the Legacy of Kain series as I love them ^_^

If I can have nice graphics and a good story then awesome but if I can only have ok graphics but a great story i.e Skyrim then I'm quite happy to settle for that :)
When the game was first started being developed etc it was years ago and as we all know very well technology moves at a face pace. Personally I think the graphics suit the game very well, it just looks like Fallout 3 and NV did albeit done up a bit more with some polish here and there.

I can't wait to get my hands on it in November!

I still dont get the issue. Looks perfectly fine to me.
and what Irks me the most is. if they had rendered the game with ultra high textures and extra details that were never going to be in the game for the e3 showcase. Every one would be in uproar when the game released claiming they should have shown what it really looked like.
They do show what it really looks like, "well we assume they did" And guess what.. Its not good enough for some.

Graphics are a big part of immersion. don't get me wrong, but i dont play games like borderlands for hour and hours or to take it even more to the extreme Sid meirs pirates or sim golf because of the gfx.
I do that because i really do enjoy the game.
I did like the new thief, and i did like alien isolation. BUT snazzy gfx or not, even combined they do not get half as much replay as sid meir's pirates does.

One game that does get a lot of replay with decent graphics happens to be skyrim. And lets not beat arround the bush here. Fallout 4 gfx may not be much better than that. But does it really need to be when the games are often so replay-able?
I also replay fallout 3 and new vegas. (yes i do enjoy new Vegas more than 3) And we cant say those are cutting edge graphics these days. but they are immersive due to actual game play.
There is a balance that devs have to achieve with game play, new features "which they have added to fall out 4. lets hope they dont take away from it" Dialogue (honestly the ammount of storyline and side quests NPC's that have to have dialog and even branching dialogue in a game like this is immense, then you have game balancing, weapons need to be balanced, enemies have to scale to level. And you have to do the gfx, textures, assets, There is a LOT to do.
So i dont mind if the gfx arent that much better than skyrim. aslong as the core game is as good as i expect it to be then there is NO room for complaint at all.
And any way given a bit of time after release there will undoubtedly be texture packs.

Personally i want the game this year, and i want it when they said i could have it.
im sure given 6-8 more months they could tart it up a bit.
But i doubt that would improve my experience by enough to justify the wait.
While I don't really care about graphics much, it is just slight disappointing that they don't at least look better. They could have done easily better and more than enough time to do so, that's what people get upset about I think. To me though, RPG's aren't about graphics so it shouldn't matter. It's about the engagement to the player and the replayability.
I just cant wait to play it, been too used the to Capital Wasteland and New Vegas, a change in scenery would be very nice :)

Sad i cant get my Pip boy 3000 now (ill just have my pimp boy from NV ;) )
or my bobble head because im on PC (thanks Game!)

But to be honest apart from them having to make it console friendly, and sooo much speech iteration, FO3 and Skyrim set records with speech hope this is the same, and looking forward to the cast of actors this time round had a few greats, my moneys on Neil Patric Harris or Patrick Stewart!!!!
I just cant wait to play it, been too used the to Capital Wasteland and New Vegas, a change in scenery would be very nice :)

Sad i cant get my Pip boy 3000 now (ill just have my pimp boy from NV ;) )
or my bobble head because im on PC (thanks Game!)

But to be honest apart from them having to make it console friendly, and sooo much speech iteration, FO3 and Skyrim set records with speech hope this is the same, and looking forward to the cast of actors this time round had a few greats, my moneys on Neil Patric Harris or Patrick Stewart!!!!


What most people don't realise is that audio (obviously including speech :p) is more important than graphics when it comes to immersive play. And shouldn't immersion really be the ONLY goal for a first/third person RPG of any kind?