best and safest way to clean a rig


too many shrooms
right so i will be moving soon an will finally have the space for a decent desk, when i can then put my pc on said desk next to me. its been a while since i have last installed any hardware so i haven't cleaned it in a while, an i have a layer of dust on the pcb of my gpu :mellow:. is there anything else other than compressed air that i can use to remove it? what are your preferred ways of spring cleaning your rig? ^_^
interesting i may look into that, though i doubt my gf will be impressed with me borrowing her hair dryer hahaha
You can buy electronics brushes that are safe to use , IE don't cause static charges for those tough to reach areas of your case . Anti static hover brush heads that maplins used to sell ( no longer sold by maplins ) but im sure other similar companies would sell said items if you looked . Compressed air is something iv'e always used , If you have a small compressor and blow attatchment set to 20 to 25 psi use that Moisture trap ) . I hope this helps you out somewhat :D
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I use a xerox vacuum designed for cleaning iGen Presses costing $1,750,000.00 each so you know it's safe to use inside sensitive electronic components. The vacuum itself has a grounding strap you attach to a ground area of the case to prevent static discharge.
I use a anti static PCB brush (cheap option), or the DataVac vacuum cleaner (£169 plus shipping from the states).
I use a xerox vacuum designed for cleaning iGen Presses costing $1,750,000.00 each so you know it's safe to use inside sensitive electronic components. The vacuum itself has a grounding strap you attach to a ground area of the case to prevent static discharge.
yeah i don't have £160 odd to throw at a data vac monsieur swanky pants ^_^

I use a anti static PCB brush (cheap option), or the DataVac vacuum cleaner (£169 plus shipping from the states).

have any advice on a good anti static brush? also will i need to wear an anti static wrist strap for it to work properly? i feel stupid asking that question, as i am pretty sure i know the answer,. but better safe than sorry eh