Best all around 970 [Poll]

Which 970 brand do think produces the most well rounded graphics card ?

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Hello all i have seen a ton of people asking which is the best 970 including myself. So i made a poll attached to thread if everyone could vote which they think is the most well rounded/best 970 and comment below why it would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance kind regards Vibe

Some good reviews to take a look at
Asus gtx970 strix
Msi gtx970
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Remember this poll is open to everyone, including those with a biased opinion and people who just aren't that well read, not that many people will have owned multiple 970's yet :). The forum as a whole can be quite Asus/Corsair orientated but that's deserved IMO.

I personally would rate the Asus Strix the highest. From what I have read/watched so far the temperature headroom on them all is pretty good and I think has the best overall packaging with the brace and backplate. While the MSI also has the 0% fan mode i've seen quite a few sagging quite badly and with no backplate available it's not worth the small saving in my eyes.

MSI 970 gaming OC, fantastic looks twin frozr V passive cooled up to 60 degrees. When fans operate they almost silent. Overclocking monster
I'd say the ASUS Strix, the 0dB fan mode and the efficiency gains of maxwell are a match made in heaven. Hell even EVGA has changed their BIOS to add their own 0dB fan mode.

Personally I think the MSI version looks the best, but I love the idea of 0dB fan profiles.
There was no evga 970 superclocked, so I didn't vote. :)
I like the stats on the 980 a little better though and think the small price difference makes it worth getting. Plus the 980s just look so much cleaner.
There was no evga 970 superclocked, so I didn't vote. :)
I like the stats on the 980 a little better though and think the small price difference makes it worth getting. Plus the 980s just look so much cleaner.

Small price difference there's £150 between the 970 and 980 with only a 10% performance difference at 1440p
I'd say the Asus but i'm pretty biased about that. Reason being over the years I have always bought Asus and never been let down by one of their many products I have purchased from them. Also I like my graphics card to have a backplate I will be pre-ordering my gtx 970 strix tomorrow :)
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That's insane how do nvidia justify that, if I'm paying an extra 30% the I expect that amount or close to that in performance difference
I think its just cause they can, its kinda the way things work here we get screw in everything. Check this out
EVGA GeForce GTX 780 Ti Classified Kingpin 3GB $999.00 AUD
Yeah the price difference between the US and EU/Rest of the world customers is ridiculous!

I was watching the GAME24 stream Nividia did a lil while back and as soon as the floor was opened to the consumers the PR guy was getting asked various questions about the ridiculous prices and he got a bit flustered just putting it down to "import duty, shipping, taxes" etc.

While this is true, I can't help but think there is SOMETHING companies like Nvidia can do to lower their prices a little