Best 980 to get for watercooling ?


New member
Hello, I am looking at getting a 980 in January but I was wondering which one would be the best for watercooling ? I know the reference cards are the best but there are a few on OCUK to choose from and I wasn't 100% sure on which one to get ? Any help would be appreciated :D

Thanks, Dario.
All reference models are the same so it doesn't matter just pick the one with the best warranty and the best price
I believe EVGA's warranty isn't affected when you put a block on one of their cards. That said you'd probably need to return it as EVGA have gone to s**t recently it seems and they often charge a premium over others..

Inno3D do the cheapest reference 980s I can find (although that was just looking at Overclockers and Scan). That said if it is anything like my 780Ti, it'll void the warranty if you remove the cooler.