Battlefield V is set to be revealed on May 23rd

I think BF1's campaign served its purpose well. BF campaigns should only ever act as a tutorial for the actual game, which has always been pure multiplayer focussed. Campaigns were only added to BF once the game gained ground on console due to the nature of that market.

For a "tutorial", BF1's campaign was thoroughly enjoyable, and the episodic nature helped keep it diverse. All I'd really ask for is a closer recreation of the MP experience and abit more in the region of replayability. Though I think a much better addition would be a more customisable arena style mode based more directly on the MP.

In terms of microtransactions, BF has never really had them(With "Quick unlocks" appearing on the market around a year or two after the games release being the closest thing I can remember on previous titles, and those were clearly meant for new players who didn't want to grind for things like the Jet's anti-missile flares, which are a necessity in late-game MP) and the mess that was BattleFront II has likely put EA off going too far.

Of course there's now battle crates too, but these are purely aesthetic gun skins and the like and you can get a huge collection of these quite quickly with pure playtime.
I reckons after the huge backlash with loot crates from Battlefront 2 even EA wouldnt be thats stupid to bring them in for the next Battlefield, i reckons there will be micro transactions, but hopefully they wont go any further than for cosmetic items, but as mentioned this is EA
I'd rather have a Bad Company 3...

Aw yes that would be the best!! EA did say they will create a proper campaign for this one. I just hope it's not WW2 which was been overdone. Pick a war that's not been done before. Or better yet, something fictional and modern with today's weapons (I can only take so many AKs).
Stupidity sounds like a reasonably correct answer?

It was very successful. It's far to late to go back though I think. The newer Dice/EA would ruin what was great about it. We would need the old team back.

Agreed!!! EA is the worst of the worst IMHO. I'd love an old fashioned updated third installment.
Aw yes that would be the best!! EA did say they will create a proper campaign for this one. I just hope it's not WW2 which was been overdone. Pick a war that's not been done before. Or better yet, something fictional and modern with today's weapons (I can only take so many AKs).

Vietnam, Korea, Gulf War would all fit well I think.

You're never getting away from the AKs though, it could be another century until the AK family are no longer in service with any major military. The AK-12/15(K) comes into service this year and it doesn't look like there's any reason for anyone to stop making Kalashnikov pattern designs. More or less every war since WWII has seen AKs fired and I'm sure we will all be long dead by the time there's an exception.

Bad Company was never nearly as popular as BF3/4 and especially BF1. BC2's campaign was better than most BF campaigns but still very mediocre on the whole. Historical seems to be where the moneys at atm. EA already have a futuristic FPS game on this engine that plays incredibly similar, and WWII would be too overused after BF1 and CoD WWII. I guess the last time we had a "current day" AAA FPS game was BF3 or CoD MW3, almost 7 years ago. Maybe they feel it's time for a return given the big changes to the geopolitical climate and state of warfare since then? But given people want "new" wars, I feel Korea or Soviet Afghanistan or similar would be a more likely choice.
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^ That. BC2 was the best one ever for single player.
I was actually disappointed with Bad Company 2's campaign. I enjoyed it but they went more along the Call of Duty style linear approach whereas Bad Company had massive maps with multiple ways of approaching your objective. If they ever make a Bad Company 3 then they really need to go back to Bad Company 1 for campaign inspiration as much as looking at what was great about Bad Company 2's online aspects.
Hoping for a decent campaign - which was horrible in 1.

I had high hopes for BF1 considering the campaign in BF3+4 were actually pretty damn good but after BF1 and Battlefront 2, I am not expecting a decent single player experience, I expect multiplayer maps reconfigured for very subpar single player experiences.