I think BF1's campaign served its purpose well. BF campaigns should only ever act as a tutorial for the actual game, which has always been pure multiplayer focussed. Campaigns were only added to BF once the game gained ground on console due to the nature of that market.
For a "tutorial", BF1's campaign was thoroughly enjoyable, and the episodic nature helped keep it diverse. All I'd really ask for is a closer recreation of the MP experience and abit more in the region of replayability. Though I think a much better addition would be a more customisable arena style mode based more directly on the MP.
In terms of microtransactions, BF has never really had them(With "Quick unlocks" appearing on the market around a year or two after the games release being the closest thing I can remember on previous titles, and those were clearly meant for new players who didn't want to grind for things like the Jet's anti-missile flares, which are a necessity in late-game MP) and the mess that was BattleFront II has likely put EA off going too far.
Of course there's now battle crates too, but these are purely aesthetic gun skins and the like and you can get a huge collection of these quite quickly with pure playtime.