That doesn't make sense, if gamers didn't like it they weren't going to buy it anyway. I know a bunch of mankids kicked off about a woman with a prosthetic arm or whatever & called a boycott over the SJWs forcing an agenda or something like that but if those people were so made up over the design choices they wouldn't have bought the game regardless of whether DICE bowed to their rather whims or disregarded them as meaningless as they did, because to be fair, those people probably didn't make up even 0.1% of the playerbase, it was reddit communities & the like, groups of people on the fringes of society, very vocal groups especially in gaming but not nearly sizable enough on the scale of AAA games to have an impact on anything but their own detached circles.
I think Battlefield-ed out is more likely, and damn did those historical FPS games come thick and fast, after such a long drought I guess but it's already become abit tired for many I think, not much of a change of scenery could be part of it for some, much of the traditional/competitive community from the BF3 days have moved either to PUBG or Rainbow Six Siege, both games which have a fair amount of comparisons in style, I think they just need more solid direction at the moment rather than the jack of all trades master of none mix BFV seems to attempt. BF1 Incursions was a good nod in the right direction but came too late in that games cycle to mean much and seemed a bit diluted, some proper competitive elements back would be great.