Battlefield V didn't meet sales expectations despite 7.3 million sales

I really don't understand the hate for BFV.

Yes there are some bugs which definitely need fixing but imo this game is far far superior to the awful game that was BF1 and let's not even talk about Hardline...

I've been really enjoying it and the tides of war challenges keep me coming back to earn a free weapon unlock etc.
RTX has little to do with BFVs sales, most pre-orders went in many months before RTX was even a known thing with this title, RTX was shoehorned in fairly late likely due to big payouts from NVidia & 99.9% of BFVs audience wouldn't have even had an RTX compatible card(RTX cards are still well below 0.25% on the Steam survey and that's after them being out for like 5 months), it's pretty irrelevant.

I expect the reason it didn't meet expectations is partly because BF1 set them quite high with respect to sales, and that it was said to be fairly light on content around launch, with much of the games content coming later, when the game is likely to be cheaper, so I expect many people are just waiting for the first big content patches(I know myself and many other fans of past Battlefield games are in this boat). I thoroughly enjoyed 3, 4 & 1, 1 had a very different feel but it was quite nice being able to go one-man-army mode and had much more atmosphere.
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haha they're talking borrox.

RTX is why it did not sell, as they focussed too much on that and 99% of their buyers don't have it.

Yeah, because RTX really stopped all those Xbox One and PS4 sales...

I think a lot of this comes down to Fortnite and Black Ops 4 eating away at its potential playerbase. Lots of people want Battle Royale and EA was not able to deliver. The lack of Tides of war at launch didn't help matters either.
Battle royal is the reason. Had that been there at launch then it would succeed. This is where DICE could have such a great advantage over everyone with their destructible realistic environment, artillery and atmosphere.

Lets face it, a battle royal with realism would be fantastic. And their engine already handles such high player counts.
I can only speak for myself, but I don't buy Battlefield games outside of a deep, deep sale precisely because of the lack of focus on single-player. Their attempts at single-player have been fun to play ever since Bad Company, but they've never really given enough content to warrant standard retail pricing. I've only just bought BF1 which is fun so far, but I doubt I'll replay it once I've finished the War Stories once.

If they want to go back to focusing almost exclusively on multiplayer then more power to them, but the series will go the same way as Call of Duty did with Black Ops 4 for me; no campaign, no buy.
I really don't understand the hate for BFV.

Yes there are some bugs which definitely need fixing but imo this game is far far superior to the awful game that was BF1 and let's not even talk about Hardline...

I've been really enjoying it and the tides of war challenges keep me coming back to earn a free weapon unlock etc.

The problem with BFV is that it's a re-skinned BF1, with next to nothing new brought to the table on launch.. it was literally half a game

Dial back to launching a game every 2 years, release a full game, watch it perform well. Stop raping DICE
The problem with BFV is that it's a re-skinned BF1, with next to nothing new brought to the table on launch.. it was literally half a game

Dial back to launching a game every 2 years, release a full game, watch it perform well. Stop raping DICE

The release cycle hasn't changed, BFV was 2 years after BF1 like the previous main games, BFV actually had a longer development cycle than 3, 4 of 1 from what I heard. Apparently quite a lot under the hood did change though, and the engine/movement feels completely different, which is why they had to start fresh with the content. I know most of the models and all the animations amongst other stuff was redone, it might look loosely like BF1 (Though the art style has changed notably) but it's quite far from a reskin nor is that really a criticism from many.
Yeah, because RTX really stopped all those Xbox One and PS4 sales...

I think a lot of this comes down to Fortnite and Black Ops 4 eating away at its potential playerbase. Lots of people want Battle Royale and EA was not able to deliver. The lack of Tides of war at launch didn't help matters either.

Well I did mean on PC...

I think a lot of people are just "Battlefielded out" dude tbh. There is only so many sequels users can stand.

I don't know where imagination has gone, tbh. Every game these days follows two decade old ideas and so on. I know there's the Indie scene, but I'm talking about games like Half Life and so on.

I must admit I am rather enjoying Prey. I like the styling etc.

I mean really, are the devs really that afraid of showing any imagination? or are they all petrified into making sequel after sequel. Why is every one so afraid to start a new game and so on? just doesn't make any sense.
Maybe it's them telling players "if you don't like it don't buy it" that made the sales fall

That doesn't make sense, if gamers didn't like it they weren't going to buy it anyway. I know a bunch of mankids kicked off about a woman with a prosthetic arm or whatever & called a boycott over the SJWs forcing an agenda or something like that but if those people were so made up over the design choices they wouldn't have bought the game regardless of whether DICE bowed to their rather whims or disregarded them as meaningless as they did, because to be fair, those people probably didn't make up even 0.1% of the playerbase, it was reddit communities & the like, groups of people on the fringes of society, very vocal groups especially in gaming but not nearly sizable enough on the scale of AAA games to have an impact on anything but their own detached circles.

I think Battlefield-ed out is more likely, and damn did those historical FPS games come thick and fast, after such a long drought I guess but it's already become abit tired for many I think, not much of a change of scenery could be part of it for some, much of the traditional/competitive community from the BF3 days have moved either to PUBG or Rainbow Six Siege, both games which have a fair amount of comparisons in style, I think they just need more solid direction at the moment rather than the jack of all trades master of none mix BFV seems to attempt. BF1 Incursions was a good nod in the right direction but came too late in that games cycle to mean much and seemed a bit diluted, some proper competitive elements back would be great.
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That doesn't make sense, if gamers didn't like it they weren't going to buy it anyway. I know a bunch of mankids kicked off about a woman with a prosthetic arm or whatever & called a boycott over the SJWs forcing an agenda or something like that but if those people were so made up over the design choices they wouldn't have bought the game regardless of whether DICE bowed to their rather whims or disregarded them as meaningless as they did, because to be fair, those people probably didn't make up even 0.1% of the playerbase, it was reddit communities & the like, groups of people on the fringes of society, very vocal groups especially in gaming but not nearly sizable enough on the scale of AAA games to have an impact on anything but their own detached circles.

I think Battlefield-ed out is more likely, and damn did those historical FPS games come thick and fast, after such a long drought I guess but it's already become abit tired for many I think, not much of a change of scenery could be part of it for some, much of the traditional/competitive community from the BF3 days have moved either to PUBG or Rainbow Six Siege, both games which have a fair amount of comparisons in style, I think they just need more solid direction at the moment rather than the jack of all trades master of none mix BFV seems to attempt. BF1 Incursions was a good nod in the right direction but came too late in that games cycle to mean much and seemed a bit diluted, some proper competitive elements back would be great.

You'd be amazed at how sensitive gaming flowers these days can be. It's almost like they see their fave game devs as some sort of angels. So basically telling people to buy the game or bugger off would do damage.

I was reading about all of the fuss that kicked off over L4D2, and how gamers were basically demanding that Valve give it away for free. They even had boycotts going on. It's silly man. People take this stuff far too seriously.
Maybe the reason for lower sales is because you told half the gaming community to just "don't like it don't buy it". Instead of blaming something.

Man companies never learn. Always want to point blame instead of take responsibility.
It's been pretty rough for BF V due to people getting upset over literally nothing (female protagonist in a trailer, wew) and Nvidia using BF V as the main star for their rather controversial RTX campaign.

It's a bit sad since BF V is actually really good. The gunplay feels miles better than any other BF IMO and the emphasis on squads works quite well if the leader bothers to issue commands. Though reviving is a bit too easy for my liking.
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You bring up the female yet get the argument wrong. At least try to be correct in insult to people who have something against it.
I think people are just fed up with the typical EA garbage of getting out overpriced, badly optimized and buggy games and making their customers beta test games for them, It's why I've not bought a BF game since BF4 and I won't till they stop screwing their customers over.