Battlefield Hardline Will Be Stable on PC


News Guru
Visceral Games says that Battlefield Hardline will be stable and highly customisable on PC in a recent Blog post. They do not want to repeat the many failures of Battlefield 4 at launch, let's hope they succeed.


Read more on Battlefield Hardline's Stability on PC here.
I'll believe that when I see it. Sadly nowadays, not trying to sound like I'm 90, when someone says our game will be optimized I translate that to Yeah, we're not going to bother optimizing it.

But I'm not all pessimistic so hope they deliver :).
Bold statement there BRO.

the test will be watching the Twitch streams if it keeps dropping on the streamers theres gonna be massive comeback if ppl are watching streams that keep dropping to desktop there'll just have massive amounts of ppl tearing the guy to bits about stability.
Bold statement there BRO.

the test will be watching the Twitch streams if it keeps dropping on the streamers theres gonna be massive comeback if ppl are watching streams that keep dropping to desktop there'll just have massive amounts of ppl tearing the guy to bits about stability.
Don't think it's bold by any means tbh.

Look at previous promises, not just BF, but any title that didn't deliver what it promised or was broken plain and simple, be it pre-order, optimizing, gameplay etc. People will be mad and boycott the game/person for a short period of time and after that will forget about it and scream take my money at the next trailer released by the same company.
I still can't understand those reccomended specs... 760 and 290? What? Perhaps they mean the 4GB 760, in which case it was a pretty dirty move not to mention that. If the game does require 4GB of VRAM, Ill be worried about it being a shoddy console port.
I still can't understand those reccomended specs... 760 and 290? What? Perhaps they mean the 4GB 760, in which case it was a pretty dirty move not to mention that. If the game does require 4GB of VRAM, Ill be worried about it being a shoddy console port.

I'm just glad more games are starting to move the 64bit support only. Bout damn time:p
I couldn't care less how stable it is I won't be buying any more of their shite, BF4 still sucks despite all they have tried and I don't think this poor excuse of GTA ripoff is going to be any better.
I still can't understand those reccomended specs... 760 and 290? What? Perhaps they mean the 4GB 760, in which case it was a pretty dirty move not to mention that. If the game does require 4GB of VRAM, Ill be worried about it being a shoddy console port.

Yeah it is weird, especially since earlier BF games always fancied AMD cards. Remember that BF3 demo played on the 7990? BF4 supposedly needing 3GB VRAM (thus AMD cards at the time cause the 670 and 680 had 2GB).

A bit weird but honestly I don't care much as Excalabur says:

I couldn't care less how stable it is I won't be buying any more of their shite, BF4 still sucks despite all they have tried and I don't think this poor excuse of GTA ripoff is going to be any better.

I'm in no way interested in this game either. It looks like an expansion pack. Or just a bonus mode like you'd get in the Counterstrike games. Hmeh.
Call me crazy but I think the game will be stable on release :D
I don't blame people for being skeptical though.

The Hardline beta a couple of weeks ago was 100% stable, no crashes or major bugs. Looking back on the BF3 and BF4 beta that wasn't the case. The state the BF4 beta was in was pretty much how it was for the first 3-4 months after release with constant crashes and endless amounts of major and minor bugs. It took them a whole year just to get it stable, but even now 16 months later it still isn't 100% fixed.

But if you take the Hardline beta which had no bugs and crashes, then I would say it is safe to assume it will be stable on release. Nothing is guaranteed though, so there still is a chance it may not be, but if the beta is anything to go by then it is looking pretty good for a stable release.

I bought the game for cheap and i'm looking forward to it, Visceral seem to be doing a much better job than DICE which is a good thing.
As what SieB has said, this game is much better than people seem to think performance wise. Its also surprisingly fun.
Visceral so far are much more realistic in their goals and I'm quite happy to trust what they say (to some degree) compared to most developers as they've (again so far) just been reasonable.